Will the Fortran Community participate at GSoC 2024?

Here another idea in replacement of the Faster string to number conversion (stdlib) one

String to number conversion (stdlib)

This project will enhance stdlib’s string handling capabilities for fast number parsing in Fortran.

Recently, a new module was added to stdlib called stdlib_str2num which implements fast routines for converting strings to numerical types. The participant would get familiar with these implementations and subsequently:

  • Create a full benchmark suite for the string to number conversion, across compiler vendors, operating systems, and CPU architectures.

  • Explore ways to improve robustness and efficiency, e.g. error handling.

  • Propose a shallow interface for the string_type facility in stdlib.

  • Propose an enhancement to the loadtxt facility function to speed-up file reading.

  • Depending on the advancement, the participant is also encouraged to include a roadmap for inclusion of the inverse conversion by following the initiative in this thread ryu-based to_string function

Relevant thread on Fortran Discrouse: Faster string to double

Expected outcomes: Enhancement of stdlib fast string to number conversion

Skills preferred: Fortran and C programming, understanding of floating-point arithmetic

Difficulty: intermediate, 175 hours

José Alves @hkvzjal
[call for mentors]
(@Carltoffel @everythingfunctional @ivanpribec you were listed in the previous proposal, do you want to stay in the list?)
@milancurcic (I added the shallow interface for string_type following your comment in the PR)