What are the benefits of User-defined derived-type Input/Output?

You can try out the Fortran example in this thread, particularly with

   real :: vector(4)
   type(mat_t(n=2,m=2)) :: A
   type(mat_t(n=2,m=2)) :: V(4)

   a_scalar = 1.0
   vector = [ a_scalar, a_scalar, a_scalar, a_scalar ]
   print *, exp( vector )

   A = ones( A%n, A%m )
   print *, exp( A )

   V = [ A, A, A, A ]
   print *, exp( V )

and ponder whether you like the idea of data transfers with derived types aka “classes” in list-directed, namelist, and DT formatted IO statements in the same manner as intrinsic types. If yes, defined IO will be useful; otherwise, continue as usual.

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