Here’s the complete program from the listings 7.2-7.3 from GitHub (helper modules not included):
program weather_stats_parallel
use mod_arrays, only: denan, mean
use mod_io, only: read_buoy
use mod_parallel, only: tile_indices
implicit none
character(len=5), allocatable :: ids(:)
character(len=20), allocatable :: time(:)
real, allocatable :: wind_speed(:)
real, allocatable :: max_wind(:), mean_wind(:)
real, allocatable :: gather(:)[:]
integer :: is, ie, indices(2)
integer :: i
real :: min_mean_wind, max_mean_wind, max_max_wind
ids = ['42001', '42002', '42003', '42020', '42035',&
'42036', '42039', '42040', '42055']
if (num_images() > size(ids)) error stop 'Error: Too many images'
indices = tile_indices(size(ids))
is = indices(1)
ie = indices(2)
allocate(max_wind(is:ie), mean_wind(is:ie))
do i = is, ie
call read_buoy('data/buoy_' // ids(i) // '.csv', time, wind_speed)
wind_speed = denan(wind_speed)
max_wind(i) = maxval(wind_speed)
mean_wind(i) = mean(wind_speed)
end do
gather(is:ie)[1] = max_wind
sync all
if (this_image() == 1) then
print *, 'Maximum wind speed measured is ', maxval(gather), &
'at station ', ids(maxloc(gather))
end if
gather(is:ie)[1] = mean_wind
sync all
if (this_image() == 1) then
print *, 'Highest mean wind speed is ', maxval(gather), &
'at station ', ids(maxloc(gather))
print *, 'Lowest mean wind speed is ', minval(gather), &
'at station ', ids(minloc(gather))
end if
end program weather_stats_parallel
@Aurelius_Nero please let me know your specific questions in reference to the code, or if you’d like to go through it together step by step, either here or on a video call.