Here’s some narrow input in the sense of how to circumvent the current limitations using verbose solutions that employ facilities possibly not best intended for the task at hand i.e., the use unlimited polymorphism and other OO patterns as a poor Fortranner’s substitute for generic programming, something that I ordinarily do not recommend.
Here’s an illustration of which the underlying simple and silly idea will be well known to you but which may be more beneficial to other readers of this forum. It’s mostly based on the same notion as I communicated earlier with a “super” base class and a lot of boilerplate type of code including setting up a “library” of “utility” procedures, as needed.
Note here the “utility” is based on the specific case you bring up in the original post i.e., a “generic” procedure to stringify an object in Fortran, shown here for two intrinsic types (default integer and real) and all those that extend from the base type.
Click here for code
module base_m
type, abstract :: base_t
procedure(Istringfy), deferred :: ToString
end type
abstract interface
function Istringfy( this ) result(s)
import :: base_t
! Argument list
class(base_t), intent(in) :: this
! Function result
character(len=:), allocatable :: s
end function
end interface
end module
module utils_m
use base_m, only : base_t
function ToString( this ) result(s)
! Argument list
class(*), intent(in) :: this
! Function result
character(len=:), allocatable :: s
allocate( character(len=256) :: s )
select type ( this )
type is ( integer )
write( unit=s, fmt=* ) this
type is ( real )
write( unit=s, fmt=* ) this
class is ( base_t )
s = this%ToString()
class default
end select
s = trim( s )
end function
end module
module circle_m
use base_m, only : base_t
use utils_m, only : ToString
type, extends(base_t) :: circle_t
real :: r
procedure :: ToString => CircleToString
end type
real, parameter :: PI=3.14159265359
function CircleToString( this ) result(s)
! Argument list
class(circle_t), intent(in) :: this
! Function result
character(len=:), allocatable :: s
s = "I am a circle with an area of " // ToString( PI*this%r**2 )
end function
end module
use circle_m, only : circle_t
type(circle_t) :: c
c%r = 1.0
call print_anything( 42 )
call print_anything( c )
subroutine print_anything( a )
use utils_m, only : ToString
class(*), intent(in) :: a
print *, ToString( a )
end subroutine
Click here for compiler response
C:\temp>gfortran -ffree-form p.f -o p.exe
I am a circle with an area of 3.14159274
P.S.> With respect to Fortran 2023 (the upcoming standard revision), note the ALLOCATE
statement in the silly illustration above will be unnecessary c.f. WG5 N2212 document:
When a deferred-length allocatable variable is defined by intrinsic assignment, as in the example
character(:), allocatable :: quotation
quotation = ‘Now is the winter of our discontent.’
it is allocated by the processor to the correct length. This behaviour is extended to … writing to a scalar character variable as an internal file …