Class(*) stole my object!

Consider working with a defined “base” class instead of the unlimited polymorphic type in the standard, the resultant code will be easier on the current crop of Fortran compilers you are likely to use and for readers of your code, who may be you yourself in a future incarnation less enamored with Fortran and others who may prefer to focus on scientific / technical domain expertise rather than the artifacts around object-oriented (OO) code design in Fortran!

So you think you like Fortran!
! Defined base class
module base_m
   type, abstract :: base_t
      ! Base / common data
      character(len=:), allocatable :: message  
   end type
end module
module store_m
   use base_m, only : base_t
   type :: store_t
      class(base_t), allocatable :: item
      procedure :: fetch => fetch_b
      procedure :: store => store_b
   end type
   subroutine fetch_b( store, b )
      class(store_t), intent(inout) :: store
      class(base_t), allocatable, intent(inout) :: b
      call move_alloc( from=store%item, to=b )
   end subroutine 
   subroutine store_b( store, b )
      class(store_t), intent(inout) :: store
      class(base_t), allocatable, intent(inout) :: b
      call move_alloc( from=b, to=store%item )
   end subroutine 
end module

   use base_m, only : base_t
   use store_m, only : store_t

   type, extends(base_t) :: my_type
      integer :: key = 0
   end type

   class(base_t), allocatable :: first_object
   type(store_t) :: storage
   class(base_t), allocatable :: second_object

   allocate(my_type :: first_object)
   first_object % message = "I like Fortran!"
   select type ( o => first_object ) 
      type is ( my_type )
         o%key = 42
      class default
   end select

   ! store away the object
   call storage%store( first_object )
   ! fetch the item back
   call storage%fetch( second_object )

   ! work with it
   print *, second_object%message
   select type ( o => second_object ) 
      type is ( my_type )
         print *, "object%key: ", o%key
      class default
   end select

C:\temp>gfortran -ffree-form p.f -o p.exe

 I like Fortran!
 object%key:           42
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