The best practice to share data among different derived types?

This is a MWE for what I want to do:

module TestMod
    implicit none
    type, public :: SharedData
        integer, allocatable :: var(:)
    end type SharedData

    type, public :: F1
        type(SharedData), pointer :: share => null()
    end type F1

    type, public :: F2
        type(SharedData), pointer :: share => null()
    end type F2

    type, public ::TotalData
        type(SharedData) :: share
        type(F1) :: f1
        type(F2) :: f2
    end type TotalData
    subroutine allocate_total(total)
        type(TotalData), intent(inout) :: total
        integer :: i
        do i = 1, 10
            total%share%var(i) = i + 1
        end do
        total%f1%share => total%share
        total%f2%share => total%share
    end subroutine allocate_total

    subroutine deallocate_total(total)
        type(TotalData), intent(inout) :: total
    end subroutine deallocate_total
end module TestMod

program MyTest
    use TestMod
    implicit none
    type(TotalData) :: total
    integer :: i
    call allocate_total(total)
    do i = 1, 10
        print *, total%share%var(i)
    end do
    do i = 1, 10
        print *, total%f1%share%var(i)
    end do
    do i = 1, 10
        print *, total%f2%share%var(i)
    end do
    call deallocate_total(total)
end program MyTest

Basically, I will need to do something within F1, something else within F2, and some others within TotalData. All will need SharedData, but as the name suggests, they all share one copy.
In the real case, the SharedData is large, so I donā€™t want to copy it. Then I came to the idea to put the real data in TotalData, and access with pointers in F1 and F2. However, the above code will not compile, because

Error: Pointer assignment target is neither TARGET nor POINTER at (1)

for the lines

        total%f1%share => total%share
        total%f2%share => total%share

How can I fix the problem? Besides, do I really need to use pointers in this scenario? Are there better ways to do it?

I think this needs target attribute.

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It works, thanks. Besides, how about the second question? Are there better ways to do it? Iā€™m under the impression that many people only use pointers in Fortran for C interoperability, so I suppose pointers can be avoided in this case?

Maybe this thread can be of interest to you

Also, the declaration of total in the main program needs the target attribute. Otherwise, in principle, temporary copies can be used for the dummy argument association.

Another general approach that can be used is to define an allocatable component within f1 and f2, and then right before f1 is used, a move_alloc() is used to move the allocation into f1, and upon return it is moved back to the total derived type. This avoids the downsides of pointers, but it puts more burden on the programmer to do the shallow copies in the right order.

Can move_alloc() be used on derived types as a whole? I suppose it can only be used on arrays. In the real case, there will be many arrays in SharedData, and it will tedious if I have to manually move_alloc() all of them.

C and Fortran pointers are related, but not the same (e.g., you cannot do p => t(2::2) in C). Pointers need the target attribute, which may inhibit optimizations.

ā€œBetterā€ depends on your actual use case. Maybe you can think of TotalData as an object that implements some algorithm, with its sub-algorithms needing some ā€œwrappingā€:

module TestMod
    implicit none

    type, public :: SharedData
        integer, allocatable :: var(:)
    end type SharedData

    type, public :: F1
        integer :: f1_data = 1
        procedure :: do_thing => do_f1_thing
    end type F1

    type, public :: F2
        integer :: f2_data = 2
        procedure :: do_thing => do_f2_thing
    end type F2

    type, public ::TotalData
        type(SharedData) :: share
        type(F1) :: f1
        type(F2) :: f2
        procedure, public :: run_algorithm
        procedure :: do_f1_thing => do_f1_thing_with_shared
        procedure :: do_f2_thing => do_f2_thing_with_shared
    end type TotalData

    public allocate_total
    public deallocate_total
    subroutine allocate_total(total)
        type(TotalData), intent(inout) :: total
        integer :: i
        do i = 1, 10
            total%share%var(i) = i + 1
            print '("share(",i0,") = ",g0)', i, total%share%var(i)
        end do
    end subroutine allocate_total

    subroutine deallocate_total(total)
        type(TotalData), intent(out) :: total
        ! deallocate(total%share%var)
    end subroutine deallocate_total

    subroutine do_f1_thing(this, share)
        class(F1), intent(inout) :: this
        type(SharedData), intent(in) :: share
        print *, 'F1 sum = ', sum(this%f1_data * share%var)
    end subroutine

    subroutine do_f2_thing(this, share)
        class(F2), intent(inout) :: this
        type(SharedData), intent(in) :: share
        print *, 'F2 sum = ', sum(this%f2_data * share%var)
    end subroutine

    subroutine run_algorithm(this)
        class(TotalData), intent(inout) :: this
        call this%do_f1_thing()
        call this%do_f2_thing()
    end subroutine

    subroutine do_f1_thing_with_shared(this)
        class(TotalData), intent(inout) :: this
        call this%f1%do_thing(this%share)
    end subroutine

    subroutine do_f2_thing_with_shared(this)
        class(TotalData), intent(inout) :: this
        call this%f2%do_thing(this%share)
    end subroutine
end module TestMod

program MyTest
    use TestMod
    implicit none
    type(TotalData) :: total
    integer :: i
    call allocate_total(total)
    call total%run_algorithm()
    call deallocate_total(total)
end program MyTest
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Yes, any type including derived types, and scalars or arrays.

Sorry but I went to sleep by then. Indeed pointers are mostly used to avoid copies. There is nothing particularly wrong with your design. Another option would be simply passing shared data as a dummy argument when your computational routine is called, but that could increase number of arguments very fast.

In Python it is a commonly seen pattern to add a reference to some particular data structure to avoid passing it every time when calling computations. Unfortunately, Fortran much more prefers single-ownership of data, and pointers are really only used when that would be non feasible.

From my observation, some Fortran projects mostly use modular varibles to store data, instead of construct objects of derived types. The example will be somehow like

module SharedData
        implicit none
        integer, allocatable :: var(:)
end module TestMod

module F1Mod
        use SharedData, only : var
end module F1Mod

module F2Mod
        use SharedData, only : var
end module F2Mod

program MyTest
        use SharedData, only : var
        use F1Mod
        use F2Mod
        implicit none
        ! call F1Mod subroutines
        ! call F2Mod subroutines
end program MyTest

This approach can be rationalized by the fact that for heavy scientific computation problems, usually only one task will be run in one process. However, I feel that this approach is rarely used in other software programming languages, where the usage of global variables are usually discouraged?
Anyway, in my opinion, performance is the most important for these use cases, and Iā€™m curious about how much compilers will behave differently among these designs. Iā€™m concerned about the claim of @jwmwalrus that ā€œPointers need the target attribute, which may inhibit optimizationsā€. Does this mean that the pointer version may be slower?

One reason I can think of is concurrency and the avoidance of race conditions. E.g., C has re-entrant versions of some functions, thus avoiding static access.

Although itā€™s not just in other languages: In Fortran, the PURE prefix helps in making access to module variables read-only (in Fortran 2023, things went further with SIMPLE procedures, which isolate said procedure from the environment that CONTAINS it). And since Fortran 2018 made RECURSIVE the default behavior, the SAVE attribute/statement is out of the question.

In the case TARGET arguments possibly inhibiting certain optimizations, I was referring to the concept of aliasing. The TARGET attribute tells the compiler that there may be more than one way to access that variable.

Btw, C has a ā€˜restrictā€™ keyword that does the opposite ā€”i.e., tells the compiler that, at the time of invocation, no other pointer is pointing to that same location.