Tags for compilers

There have been many questions lately about LFortran. I wonder if we should introduce Fortran Discourse tags specific to compilers: LFortran, GNU, Intel, flang, NVIDIA, etc. Tags help to keep titles less polluted with compiler names.


@milancurcic go for it and create the tags.

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Some statistics in Fortran-lang discourse: from 01/01/2023 -
Posts mentioning the term:
LFortran 112
gfortran 390
intel 274
nvidia 54


Really impressive for LFortran…

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OK, I added a few, you can see them here: Categories - Fortran Discourse


My only remark is LFortran’s color. Too… bland. Not that it matters, it’s just a small box after all. But maybe some red or fuchsia or something? Totally subjective.

@milancurcic mentioned flang in a list of compilers. Is there more than one flang? I ask because when I downloaded the AMD compiler into my x86_64 Ubuntu system.it turned out, to my surprise, to be called


I’m sure @certik will pick his favorite color for LFortran.


Ok, I picked the same red color as from our logo.


I’m happy to be the one to innagurate the LFortran tag. :slight_smile:

That aside, I definitely think this is a good idea. Normally I would be hesitant to ask for help with a compiler. After all, this forum is not Nvidia / Intel / etc support.

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Yes. There is aocc-flang (which I think is AMD’s), “classic” flang (which NVIDIA distributes) and LLVM flang. It’s terribly confusing, I know.