Style checking with the MetOffice stylist tool

The UK Met Office is developing a Python tool called stylist that warns about specified defects in Fortran code. As an example of its capabilities, for the configuration file config.ini


rules = FortranCharacterset, MissingOnly, MissingImplicit, MissingPointerInit, KindPattern(integer=r'.*_jazz', real=r'.*dp')

and code bad_style.f90

module m
function sum_mat(x) result(xsum)
real*8, intent(in) :: x(:,:)
xsum = 0.0
do i=1,size(x,1)
   do j=1,size(x,2)
      xsum = xsum + x(i,j)
   end do
end do
end function sum_mat
end module m
program main
use m
real*8 :: x(2,3)
integer, pointer :: p
	x = 10.0
p = 5
end program main

running stylist -verbose -configuration config.ini bad_style.f90 gives output

Examining: bad_style.f90
Style: Style
Rule: FortranCharacterset - Failed
Rule: MissingOnly - Failed
Rule: MissingImplicit - Failed
Rule: MissingPointerInit - Failed
Rule: KindPattern - Failed
bad_style.f90: 1: Module 'm' is missing an implicit statement
bad_style.f90: 4: Kind '*8' found for real variable 'x(:, :)' does not fit the pattern /.*dp/.
bad_style.f90: 14: Program 'main' is missing an implicit statement
bad_style.f90: 15: Usage of "m" without "only" clause.
bad_style.f90: 16: Kind '*8' found for real variable 'x(2, 3)' does not fit the pattern /.*dp/.
bad_style.f90: 17: Declaration of pointer "p" without initialisation.
bad_style.f90: 18: Found character '\t' not in Fortran character set
Found 7 issues

and for the improved code good_style.f90

module m
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)  
function sum_mat(x) result(xsum)
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: x(:,:)
real(kind=dp)             :: xsum
integer                   :: i,j
xsum = 0.0
do i=1,size(x,1)
   do j=1,size(x,2)
      xsum = xsum + x(i,j)
   end do
end do
end function sum_mat
end module m
program main
use m, only: dp, sum_mat
implicit none
real(kind=dp) :: x(2,3)
integer, pointer :: p => null()
x = 10.0
p = 5
end program main

the output of stylist -verbose -configuration config.ini good_style.f90 is

Examining: good_style.f90
Style: Style
Rule: FortranCharacterset - Passed
Rule: MissingOnly - Passed
Rule: MissingImplicit - Passed
Rule: MissingPointerInit - Passed
Rule: KindPattern - Passed
Found 0 issue

I had some trouble installing stylist on Windows (although it should work) but found it easy to install it on WSL2.


One more warning Iā€™d add personally is missing kind specifier in real literal.

It would be nice to see stylist supported as an extension to fpm. The extra section can be used to store settings which are passed to stylist.