'self' and 'this' in OO-Fortran

In the context of object-oriented programming in C++, this is the name of the expression whose value is the address of an implicit object parameter.

The following is a minimalistic example:

class T
    int x;

    void foo()
        x = 6;       // same as this->x = 6;
        this->x = 5; // explicit use of this->

    void foo(int x) // parameter x shadows the member with the same name
        this->x = x; // unqualified x refers to the parameter
                     // 'this->' required for disambiguation

As showed by this example, this is needed in some circumstances to disambiguate from other parameters. Now where does this implicit object come actually come from? It comes from an actual instance:

    T my_instance(42);
    my_instance.foo(); // call the member function

In other words the compiler sees this more like,

    T::foo(&my_instance); // pass address of my_instance to foo method of T

and the &my_instance is what is referred to as this internally.

When doing object-oriented programming in Fortran, use of the dummy parameter names this or self (from Python) is nothing more than a programmer convention, and arguably - a misleading one. The reason being that in Fortran type-bound methods can be bound as named arguments.

By default a type-bound procedure (TBP) will have a passed-object dummy argument (PODA) that is the first argument. A passed-object dummy argument can be changed by declaring the type-bound procedure with the PASS(arg-name) attribute. In this case, the variable is passed as the named argument.

This makes Fortran quite different from C++ or Python, because it allows us to bind a procedure to multiple types. I believe this is also known as multiple dispatch in other programming languages. In this scenario names like self or this don’t sound suitable to me.

The following Discourse thread looks for motivations behind pass and nopass:

Here’s an example case I have been contemplating before. Saw we write a module for nonlinear optimization, using two types:

    !> A handle to a user-defined problem
    type :: problem_type
       procedure(objective_callback), pointer, nopass :: objective => null()
       procedure(gradient_callback), pointer, nopass :: gradient => null()
        procedure, non_overridable :: eval => eval_objective
        procedure, non_overridable :: eval_grad => eval_gradient
        procedure(solve_method), pass(problem) :: solve => solve_problem
    end type

    !> A type encapsulating solution algorithms
    type, abstract :: solver_type
       procedure(solve_method), pass(solver) :: solve => solve_problem
    end type

We proceed to implement several extended types encapsulating different solution algorithms.

subroutine solve_problem(problem,result,x,solver,params,istat)
        class(problem_type), intent(in), target :: problem
        real(wp), intent(out) :: result
        real(wp), intent(inout), contiguous :: x(:)
        class(*), intent(in), optional, target :: params
        class(solver_type), intent(in), optional :: solver
        integer, intent(out), optional :: istat
        select type (solver)
        type is (lbgfs)
            ! ... 
        type is (nelder_mead)
            ! ... 
        type is (conjugate_gradient)
            ! ... 
        type is (particle_swarm)
            ! ... 
        class default
            call solver%solve(problem,result,x,params,istat)
        end select

end subroutine

The idea being that we can adopt either a “problem-centric” view, or a “solver-centric” view:

class(solver_type) :: solver
type(problem_type) :: problem
real(wp) :: x(4)

! We use a factory method to initialize the solver
! (we could pick this dynamically based on a configuration file or namelist)
solver = create_solver('LBFGS',atol=1.e-6,max_iter=2000)

! Define the callback functions of our problem
problem = problem_type(my_objective,my_gradient) 

! Set initial guess
x = 0 

! We can pass the solver to the problem
call problem%solve(x,solver)

! or we pass the problem to the solver
call solver%solve(problem,x)


   subroutine my_objective(...)
     ! ...
   end subroutine

   subroutine my_gradient(...)
     ! ...
   end subroutine

Admittedly, the example is incomplete and I haven’t yet figured out the details of how this would work in practice.

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