Segmentation Fault while running a Fortran based model

I am new to Fortran models. I am using a model called VECTRI (Adrian Mark Tompkins / VECTRI · GitLab) for my research. While compiling, I got an unexpected error which says -

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.
vectri: line 264: 34966 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $input/vectri.exe $namelist

I have run the model successfully before but never encountered this error. Can someone help me debug or solve this error?
I would be happy to provide more details if needed.

Hey @Dr.Mayweed,

Welcome to the forum!

Typically in cases like this, I use a memory profiler. I use Linux and so I use a profiler called valgrind. There are probably some Windows alternatives too.

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

A segmentation fault, often referred to as SIGSEGV, is a specific kind of error caused by a program trying to read or write an illegal memory location. Here are a few common reasons why a segmentation fault might occur:

    Dereferencing NULL or Invalid Pointers: Attempting to access memory through a pointer that is either null or hasn't been properly allocated.

    Buffer Overflows: Writing data to a buffer that exceeds its allocated memory space, which can corrupt or access adjacent memory.

    Accessing Freed Memory: Trying to read or write memory that has been freed or deallocated.

    Stack Overflow: Excessive memory usage on the stack, often due to deep or infinite recursion.

    Improper Memory Management: Mistakes in dynamically allocating or deallocating memory using functions like malloc, free, new, and delete.

To debug and fix a segmentation fault:

    Use a Debugger: Tools like GDB in Linux or Visual Studio's debugger can be very helpful. They can provide the exact line of code causing the issue and allow you to inspect the state of your program at the time of the crash.

    Sanitize Your Code: Compile your program with sanitizers (like AddressSanitizer) that can detect memory errors.

    Code Review: Manually review your code, especially focusing on pointers, memory allocation, and array accesses.

    Incremental Testing: Test your program incrementally, especially after adding new features or making significant changes, to pinpoint where the issue starts occurring.

If you are working with specific code that's causing this issue, I can assist further in identifying the potential cause if you share the relevant code snippetProgram received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

A segmentation fault, often referred to as SIGSEGV, is a specific kind of error caused by a program trying to read or write an illegal memory location. Here are a few common reasons why a segmentation fault might occur:

    Dereferencing NULL or Invalid Pointers: Attempting to access memory through a pointer that is either null or hasn't been properly allocated.

    Buffer Overflows: Writing data to a buffer that exceeds its allocated memory space, which can corrupt or access adjacent memory.

    Accessing Freed Memory: Trying to read or write memory that has been freed or deallocated.

    Stack Overflow: Excessive memory usage on the stack, often due to deep or infinite recursion.

    Improper Memory Management: Mistakes in dynamically allocating or deallocating memory using functions like malloc, free, new, and delete.

To debug and fix a segmentation fault:

    Use a Debugger: Tools like GDB in Linux or Visual Studio's debugger can be very helpful. They can provide the exact line of code causing the issue and allow you to inspect the state of your program at the time of the crash.

    Sanitize Your Code: Compile your program with sanitizers (like AddressSanitizer) that can detect memory errors.

    Code Review: Manually review your code, especially focusing on pointers, memory allocation, and array accesses.

    Incremental Testing: Test your program incrementally, especially after adding new features or making significant changes, to pinpoint where the issue starts occurring.

If you are working with specific code that's causing this issue, I can assist further in identifying the potential cause if you share the relevant code snippet

Which compiler are you using? You can recompile with the -g option (which works for most compilers). Then use a debugger like gdb to find exactly where it’s stopping. (I assume you meant, and your error message suggests, that you were running the code, not compiling it.) Since it’s not your code that may not be very helpful, but you could perhaps send in a bug report.

One thing I see a lot (I do user support for HPC) is a user error in input that results in something invalid in the code. It is difficult for a developer to anticipate every possible way a user can get a code into a bad state, so they don’t always handle these errors gracefully and just segfault. The error message says something about the namelist so perhaps you should double check that your input is correct.