Scientific Visualization using VisIt


I am trying to visualize 3D arrays over time that I am generating in a Fortran code. Do you know of any publicly accessible libraries or code that can write 3D arrays in a format that can be view using VisIt.

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Hi @Woolford180 welcome to the Discourse.

Haven’t used VisIt but read about a few months ago and saw it supports VTK, so you could try out GitHub - szaghi/VTKFortran: pure Fortran VTK (XML) API

@Woolford180, welcome to the forum!

In the past I have also written the text based VTK format from Fortran (hfsolver/src/fe_mesh.f90 at b4c50c1979fb7e468b1852b144ba756f5a51788d · certik/hfsolver · GitHub), and you can then convert it to more modern VTK format with a script, and then load into Paraview or Visit.

I use VisIt as my main postprocessor for my CFD code, and I use nowadays VTK exclusively:

This was done using VTK and VisIt (the ground being a Google Maps picture):


Just be aware of which of the VTK formats you are going to use (text is always the safest if you don’t have super large files). If you use the old “legacy” format and want to write out data as binary instead of text you HAVE to write the data in BIG endian format. Fortunately most compilers will let you specify conversion to BIG endian as an option on the OPEN statement. I don’t know about the newer XML based format. You can embed binary into the XML but it has to be base64 encoded if written by Fortran. I think C can embed raw binary (as a stream) but I’m not sure how you do that in Fortran.

Edit. Here are the open statements I use in my Legacy VTK writer package. Note this works with ifort since thats really all I use but should work with other compilers that support CONVERT type keywords on OPEN statements

If (fileType == VTK_ASCII) Then

        Open(NEWUNIT=vtkunit, FILE=thisFile, ACCESS="SEQUENTIAL",             &

      Else  !must have convert to big endian for binary to work

        If (check_endian() == LITTLE_ENDIAN) Then

          If (print_VTK_warnings) Then
            Print *,''
            Print *,' VTKwriteOpenFile - WARNING:'
            Print *,''
            Print *,' This processor uses LITTLE_ENDIAN byte ordering.'
            Print *,' Legacy VTK requires BIG_ENDIAN ordering. Therefore,'
            Print *,' this file will be created with the CONVERT attribute'
            Print *,' set to BIG_ENDIAN'
            Print *,''
          End If
          Open(NEWUNIT=vtkunit, FILE=thisFile, ACCESS="STREAM",                &

          Open(NEWUNIT=vtkunit, FILE=thisFile, ACCESS="STREAM",                &


        accessType = "STREAM"


Note you will need a utility to check the endianess of you current computer.

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@Hendrik it looks like your code also uses the text based VTK. I had good experience with that also.

try this

program vtk_3d
  implicit none

  integer , parameter :: Nx = 64
  integer , parameter :: Ny = 64
  integer , parameter :: Nz = 64
  integer , parameter :: dx = 1
  integer , parameter :: dy = 1
  integer , parameter :: dz = 1

  integer , parameter :: nsteps = 1000
  integer            :: tsteps 
  real  , dimension ( Nx, Ny, Nz ) :: r, var
  integer           :: i, j, k


  integer, parameter     :: frequency = 100
  character ( len = 80 ) :: filename 
  integer                :: lun
  integer   :: npoint
  real      :: x, y, z

  ! start loop

  time_loop:do tsteps = 1, nsteps

     call random_number ( r )

     do i = 1, Nx
        do j = 1, Ny
           do k = 1, Nz

              var(i,j,k) =  var(i,j,k) + r(i,j,j)

           end do
        end do
     end do

     ! saving vtk files

     npoint = Nx*Ny*Nz

     vtk:if ( mod ( tsteps, frequency ).eq.0 ) then
        write ( filename, '( "test_", i0.3, ".vtk" )') tsteps
        open ( newunit = lun, file = filename, status = 'replace' )

        ! header of VTK file

        write ( lun, '(a)' ) '# vtk DataFile Version 2.0'
        write ( lun, '(a)' ) 'time_test.vtk'
        write ( lun, '(a)' ) 'ASCII'
        write ( lun, '(a)' ) 'DATASET STRUCTURED_GRID'

        ! coordinates of grid points

        write ( lun, '(a, 3i6)' )      'DIMENSIONS', Nx, Ny, Nz
        write ( lun, '(ai6, 2x, a)' ) 'POINTS ', npoint, 'float'

        do i = 1, Nx
           do j = 1, Ny
              do k = 1, Nz

                 x = ( i - 1 )*dx
                 y = ( j - 1 )*dy
                 z = ( k - 1 )*dz

                 write ( lun, '(2x, g14.6, 2x, g14.6, 2x, g14.6)' ) x, y, z

              end do
           end do
        end do

        ! write grid point values

        write ( lun, '(a,i6)' ) 'POINT_DATA   ', NPOINT
        write ( lun, '(a)' )    'SCALARS   var    float'
        write ( lun, '(a)' )    'LOOKUP_TABLE default'

        do i = 1, Nx
           do j = 1, Ny
              do k = 1, Nz

                 write ( lun, '(1x, g14.6)' ) var(i,j,k)

              end do
           end do
        end do

        close ( unit = lun )

     endif vtk

  end do time_loop

end program vtk_3d

Yes it does. It is simpler. I am not a fan of xml.

It caters for big and little endian, ascii or binary (ascii is mainly for testing purposes). So it relies on Fortran 2003 and up (streaming files). Used it for models containing many millions of cells, nodes and data. (You’ll find some commented out testing hacks in the code though).

In the picture you’ll see a yellow line, a glidepath or approach. Things like that (or a runway) I simply write by hand:

# vtk DataFile Version 2.0
POINTS 2 float
-978.96    72.63 86.38   403.43  970.37  0.0
2  0  1
SCALARS kleur int
1 1 

I really like VisIt, as you can write scripts for it in Python.

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These guys (MPI-AMRVAC - Astrophysical MHD simulations) use vtk as one of the potential output format. I normally these and analyze with VisIt afterwards. I use mainly binary vtk files. Which can be, in addition, MPI-oriented, i.e. bigger files are split in pieces such that reading and processing by VisIt can be done in parallel. Note for that you will need to recompile VisIt with parallel support also.