It is inconvenient that Fortran compilers require different, and possibly large, numbers of random seeds for use in
call random_seed(put=seeds(:))
Fortran 2018 introduced random_init(), but I think this went too far in the other direction, not allowing the user to specify a single integer seed. I suggest that a convenient but flexible way to use random_number
to generate reproduce random numbers is to
(1) get an integer seed from the user
(2) use that seed to generate the random integers needed for a call to random_seed
(3) call random_seed
with those integers
This is done in the program below, which gives reproducible results for a given compiler:
module random_init_mod
implicit none
public :: random_init_zig
pure elemental subroutine random_int_32_scalar(jsr,iran)
! Marsaglia, G. & Tsang, W.W. (2000) `The ziggurat method for generating random variables', J. Statist. Software, v5(8).
! generate random 32-bit integers
integer, intent(in out) :: jsr ! state of RNG
integer, intent(out) :: iran ! random integer
integer :: jz
jz = jsr
jsr = ieor(jsr, ishft(jsr, 13))
jsr = ieor(jsr, ishft(jsr, -17))
jsr = ieor(jsr, ishft(jsr, 5))
iran = jz + jsr
end subroutine random_int_32_scalar
subroutine random_init_zig(iseed)
! given an integer seed, generate the remaining seeds needed for
! call random_seed(put=seeds)
integer, intent(in) :: iseed
integer :: i, jseed, nseeds
integer, allocatable :: seeds(:)
logical, parameter :: print_seeds = .true. ! .false. in production
jseed = iseed
call random_seed(size=nseeds)
allocate (seeds(nseeds))
do i=1,nseeds
call random_int_32_scalar(jseed,seeds(i))
end do
if (print_seeds) print "('seeds =',*(1x,i0))", seeds
call random_seed(put=seeds)
end subroutine random_init_zig
end module random_init_mod
program xrandom_init_zig
use random_init_mod, only: random_init_zig
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0), nran = 10
real(kind=dp) :: xran(nran)
integer :: iseed
do iseed=1,10
call random_init_zig(iseed)
call random_number(xran)
print "('uniform deviates =',*(f6.3))", xran
end do
end program xrandom_init_zig
reproducible gfortran output on Windows and WSL2:
seeds = 270370 67905058 -1579897146 -1339932140 -1588678368 -1150782559 1377930986 1068191692
uniform deviates = 0.615 0.439 0.702 0.149 0.711 0.285 0.860 0.386 0.472 0.783
seeds = 540740 134794308 832136324 -1926131320 1195958560 343972669 419821180 1002759439
uniform deviates = 0.060 0.210 0.750 0.667 0.851 0.127 0.199 0.409 0.939 0.599
seeds = 811110 202697318 -1067648438 639733904 -552181740 -1979160386 -364455626 402533703
uniform deviates = 0.872 0.649 0.299 0.443 0.127 0.549 0.648 0.378 0.274 0.845
seeds = 1081480 269588616 1664272648 442704656 -1903050176 688961179 614142560 672690764
uniform deviates = 0.238 0.911 0.423 0.729 0.526 0.847 0.042 0.218 0.419 0.130
seeds = 1351850 337493674 -486131770 -1537080060 519975720 -1753709156 892851866 1680700356
uniform deviates = 0.915 0.799 0.367 0.501 0.902 0.759 0.017 0.644 0.357 0.264
seeds = 1622220 404378828 -1834287732 525546640 -914734280 1982893426 2084519396 1635897477
uniform deviates = 0.797 0.514 0.772 0.018 0.824 0.929 0.422 0.133 0.265 0.931
seeds = 1892590 472281838 57627466 -1637739640 1629864516 658030227 -1938003378 1053349649
uniform deviates = 0.621 0.894 0.096 0.138 0.845 0.288 0.167 0.383 0.757 0.879
seeds = 2162960 539177232 -966421967 893788835 -1707914490 1702002840 1393213960 -866571821
uniform deviates = 0.310 0.699 0.107 0.696 0.534 0.777 0.387 0.930 0.953 0.909
seeds = 2433330 607082290 1606025461 -664329183 576779922 -67613895 1403627202 -1478215093
uniform deviates = 0.052 0.045 0.871 0.692 0.889 0.790 0.768 0.046 0.367 0.331
seeds = 2703700 673971540 -1208060235 2104898599 -698672110 1406281669 2077150676 -1847819002
uniform deviates = 0.229 0.400 0.781 0.325 0.695 0.913 0.109 0.533 0.477 0.944
Should the random_init()
intrinsic be expanded to allow a single integer seed to be given? Compiler writers would generate the seeds needed for a call to random_seed()
in a deterministic way when the REPEATABLE
argument is .true.