Profiling gfortran code

I’m trying to make this code go faster in some kind of systematic way. Its only 117 lines, so it should be possible to get to grips with what’s slowing it down. I’ve tried adding the -pg flag to gfortran and then running gprof but the output seems partial:

index % time    self  children    called     name
                0.08  272.56       1/1           main [2]
[1]     99.8    0.08  272.56       1         MAIN__ [1]
              232.81   39.51  154784/154784      __builder_MOD_update [3]
                0.24    0.00       1/1           __builder_MOD_display [7]
[2]     99.8    0.00  272.64                 main [2]
                0.08  272.56       1/1           MAIN__ [1]
              232.81   39.51  154784/154784      MAIN__ [1]
[3]     99.7  232.81   39.51  154784         __builder_MOD_update [3]
               35.53    0.00 1000000000/1000000000     __builder_MOD_update_stats [4]
                3.98    0.00 1000000000/1000000000     __builder_MOD_str2real [5]
               35.53    0.00 1000000000/1000000000     __builder_MOD_update [3]
[4]     13.0   35.53    0.00 1000000000         __builder_MOD_update_stats [4]
                3.98    0.00 1000000000/1000000000     __builder_MOD_update [3]
[5]      1.5    3.98    0.00 1000000000         __builder_MOD_str2real [5]
[6]      0.2    0.44    0.00                 _init [6]
                               54028             __builder_MOD_display [7]
                0.24    0.00       1/1           MAIN__ [1]
[7]      0.1    0.24    0.00       1+54028   __builder_MOD_display [7]
                               54028             __builder_MOD_display [7]

It seems just wrong about some things (like how much time is spent in str2real), and then none of the intrinsic functions are included, so i don’t know how much time is spent running them. For example how performant is index, ichar, achar, allocate? Etc.

How would you go about profiling this code given that you are using gfortran?

Have you removed all the optimisation options when adding -pg? (for example inlining could make you functions apparently disappear)

Yes i just compile it with gfortran -pg -o. Functions like index (an intrinsic) just dont show up at all. I’ve noticed the same thing on other people’s gprof output.

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You can see the time spent inside your own functions, but I don’t think you can see the time spent into Fortran intrinsics.

I have found that option in the man gprof:

The -l option enables line‐by‐line profiling, which causes histogram hits to be charged to
individual source code lines, instead of functions. This feature only works with programs
compiled by older versions of the “gcc” compiler. Newer versions of “gcc” are designed to
work with the “gcov” tool instead.

If the program was compiled with basic‐block counting enabled, this option will also identify
how many times each line of code was executed. While line‐by‐line profiling can help isolate
where in a large function a program is spending its time, it also significantly increases the
running time of “gprof”, and magnifies statistical inaccuracies.

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I tried this – it made no difference, presumably because my gcc is not old enough. However, it tipped me towards this:

So im trying to learn how to use gcov instead.

It is quite useful but it doesn’t seem to do timing. Its interesting to the branch coverage and generally how often things are called. For example check out this line:

 72605614:  100:          h = mod(h+1, l)

In the context of the code it means the hash I’m using generated about 72,605,614 conflicts.

Timings would be much better though…

        -:    0:Source:1brc_hash.f90
        -:    0:Graph:1brc_hash.gcno
        -:    0:Data:1brc_hash.gcda
        -:    0:Runs:1
        -:    1:module row_types
        -:    2:  implicit none
        -:    3:
        -:    4:  type :: row_ptr
        -:    5:     type(row), pointer :: p => null()
        -:    6:  end type row_ptr
        -:    7:  
        -:    8:  type :: row
        -:    9:     character(len=:), allocatable :: key
        -:   10:     real    :: min
        -:   11:     real    :: max
        -:   12:     real    :: sum
        -:   13:     integer :: count
        -:   14:  end type row  
    #####:   15:end module row_types
    #####:   15:end module row_types
    #####:   15:end module row_types
    #####:   15:end module row_types
        -:   16:
        -:   17:module builder
        -:   18:  use row_types
        -:   19:  implicit none
        -:   20:
        -:   21:contains
        -:   22:
1000000000:   23:  pure function str2real (str) result(f)
        -:   24:    character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
        -:   25:    integer :: i, off
        -:   26:    integer, parameter :: zero = ichar('0')
        -:   27:    real :: f
        -:   28:    
1000000000:   29:    off = merge (2, 1, str(1:1)=='-')
1000000000:   30:    i   = index(str(off:),'.')
1000000000:   31:    if (i == 2) then
 99579868:   32:       f = ichar(str(off:off)) - zero
        -:   33:    else 
900420132:   34:       f = (ichar(str(off:off)) - zero)*10 + ichar(str(off+1:off+1)) - zero
        -:   35:    end if
1000000000:   36:    f = f + (ichar(str(off+i:off+i)) - zero) / 10.0
1000000000:   37:    if (off == 2) f = -f
2000000000:   38:  end function str2real
        -:   39:  
  154784*:   40:  subroutine update(buffer, hash_tbl)
        -:   41:    character(len=*), intent(in) :: buffer
        -:   42:    type(row_ptr), intent(inout) :: hash_tbl(:)
        -:   43:    character(len=1), parameter  :: cr = achar(10)
        -:   44:    integer :: i, j, k
        -:   45:    real    :: f
        -:   46:    
   154784:   47:    i = 1
1000154784:   48:    do while (i <= len(buffer))
1000000000:   49:       j = index(buffer(i:), ';')
1000000000:   50:       k = index(buffer(i+j:), cr)
1000000000:   51:       f = str2real (buffer(i+j:i+j+k-2))
1000000000:   52:       call update_hash_tbl(buffer(i:i+j-2), f, hash_tbl)
1000000000:   53:       i = i+j+k
        -:   54:    end do
   154784:   55:  end subroutine update
        -:   56:
1000000000:   57:  pure function hash(key,m) result(h)
        -:   58:    use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: int64
        -:   59:    integer(int64), parameter :: prime = 16777619_int64
        -:   60:    integer(int64), parameter :: basis = 2166136261_int64
        -:   61:    integer(int64) :: h
        -:   62:    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
        -:   63:    integer, intent(in) :: m
        -:   64:    integer :: i
1000000000:   65:    h = basis
10435166426:   66:    do i = 1, len(key)
9435166426:   67:       h = ieor(h, iachar(key(i:i), int64))
10435166426:   68:       h = mod(h * prime, 2_int64**32)
        -:   69:    end do
1000000000:   70:    h = mod (h,m)
2000000000:   71:  end function hash
        -:   72:  
1000000000*:   73:  subroutine update_hash_tbl(key, val, hash_tbl)
        -:   74:    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
        -:   75:    type(row_ptr), intent(inout) :: hash_tbl(:)
        -:   76:    type(row), pointer :: vals
        -:   77:    integer :: h, l
        -:   78:    real, intent(in) :: val
1000000000:   79:    l = size(hash_tbl)
1000000000:   80:    h = hash(key, l)
 72605614:   81:    do
1072605614:   82:       vals => hash_tbl(h)%p
1072605614:   83:       if (.not. associated(vals)) then
    8875*:   84:          allocate (hash_tbl(h)%p)
     8875:   85:          vals => hash_tbl(h)%p
    8875*:   86:          allocate(character(len=len(key)) :: vals%key)
    8875*:   87:          vals%key   = key
     8875:   88:          vals%min   = val
     8875:   89:          vals%max   = val
     8875:   90:          vals%sum   = val
     8875:   91:          vals%count = 1
     8875:   92:          exit
1072596739:   93:       else if (vals%key == key) then
999991125:   94:          if (val < vals%min) vals%min = val
999991125:   95:          if (val > vals%max) vals%max = val
999991125:   96:          vals%sum   = vals%sum + val
999991125:   97:          vals%count = vals%count + 1
999991125:   98:          exit
        -:   99:       else
 72605614:  100:          h = mod(h+1, l)
        -:  101:       end if
        -:  102:    end do
1000000000:  103:  end subroutine update_hash_tbl
        -:  104:
       1*:  105:  recursive subroutine display(hash_tbl)
        -:  106:    type(row_ptr), intent(in) :: hash_tbl(:)
        -:  107:    type(row), pointer :: vals
        -:  108:    integer :: i
    65536:  109:    do i = 1, size(hash_tbl)
    65536:  110:       if (associated(hash_tbl(i)%p)) then
     8875:  111:          vals => hash_tbl(i)%p
     8875:  112:          print '(A,F5.1,F5.1,F5.1)', vals%key, &
    17750:  113:               vals%min, vals%max, vals%sum / vals%count
        -:  114:       end if
        -:  115:    end do
        1:  116:  end subroutine display
        -:  117:
        -:  118:end module builder
        -:  119:
        1:  120:program one_brc
        1:  121:  use row_types
        -:  122:  use builder
        -:  123:  implicit none
        -:  124:
        -:  125:  integer, parameter :: buffer_size = 102400, tail_len=100
        -:  126:  integer, parameter :: hash_tbl_size = 65535
        1:  127:  character(len=:), allocatable :: buffer
        -:  128:  integer(kind=8) :: fd, read_size, off, start
    65536:  129:  type(row_ptr) :: hash_tbl(hash_tbl_size)
        -:  130:
        -:  131:  open(newunit=fd, file='measurements.txt', access='stream', &
        1:  132:       form='unformatted', status='old')
       1*:  133:  inquire(unit=fd, size=read_size)
        -:  134:
  154784*:  135:  do while (read_size > 0)
  154784*:  136:     allocate(character(len=min(read_size, buffer_size)) :: buffer)
  154784*:  137:     read(fd) buffer
   154784:  138:     if (read_size <= buffer_size) then
        1:  139:        call update(buffer, hash_tbl)
        1:  140:        exit
        -:  141:     end if
   154783:  142:     start = len(buffer)-tail_len
   154783:  143:     off   = start + index(buffer(start:), achar(10))-1
   154783:  144:     call update(buffer(1:off), hash_tbl)
   154783:  145:     call fseek(fd, off - len(buffer), 1)
   154783:  146:     read_size = read_size - off
  154783*:  147:     deallocate(buffer)
        -:  148:  end do
        1:  149:  call display(hash_tbl)
        1:  150:end program one_brc
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