This program was inspired by a recent discussion in the Intel Fortran forum. It attempts to declare a private type in a submodule.
module points
module function point_dist(p1, p2) result(distance)
real,dimension(2),intent(in) :: p1, p2
real :: distance
end function point_dist
end interface
end module points
submodule (points) points_a
type, private :: point
real :: x, y
end type point
module function point_dist(p1,p2) result(distance)
real,dimension(2),intent(in) :: p1,p2
real :: distance
type(point) :: a, b
a = point(p1(1),p1(2))
b = point(p2(1),p2(2))
distance = sqrt((a%x - b%x)**2 + (a%y - b%y)**2)
end function point_dist
end submodule points_a
Program Test_program
Use points
Implicit none
real, dimension(2):: p1 = [10,20], p2 = [20,10]
real dist
dist = point_dist(p1, p2)
End program Test_program
Gfortran won’t compile it. Its first error message is
11 | type, private :: point
| 1
Error: Derived type at (1) can only be PRIVATE in the specification part of a module
If the 3 lines declaring the type point are moved from the beginning of the submodule to the beginning of its parent module then gfortran happily compiles and runs the program. My question: is a private type declaration forbidden in a submodule?