Print on the same line

program main
  integer :: n, i
  real(8), allocatable :: x(:, :)
  n = 5
  allocate(x(n, n))
  call random_number(x)
  do i = 1, n
    print "(f10.5)", x(i, :)
  end do
end program

using “(f10.5)” instead of * makes print start a new line for each element, how to disable that?



The outer () will repeat the format string as often as needed, but they also add a newline each time. By adding the inner () you can avoid this. If you know the shape of your array, you can even do something like

print "(5f10.5)", x  ! without do-loop

However, this would not transpose the array.
With a little more effort, you can generate the format string above during runtime. Or you simply use the * in a loop.

Any more elegant ways to do it?

If you use fpm(1) or want a module that extensively covers printing small arrays just use the disp(1) procedure from the M_display module. Look for subroutine PRINT_MATRIX_INT()

There is a simple example on creating an array-printing
subroutine in this old discussion on row-column order


#How do I initialize an array in row-column order?

Initializing small 2D numeric arrays with array constructors

Intuitively, one might assume that if one wants to initialize a
small array by rows that something like the following will work:

 integer :: xx(3,5)= [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &
                   [10,20,30,40,50], &

or perhaps

 integer :: xx(3,5)= [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &
                     [10,20,30,40,50], &
                     [11,22,33,44,55]  ]

Someday something simpler might work, but currently the following syntax
is required to specify the values in an intuitive row-column sequence
using an array constructor:

  integer,save :: xx(3,5)= reshape([&

   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &
  10,20,30,40,50, &
  11,22,33,44,55  &


This is because an array constructor can be used to create and assign
values only to rank-one arrays
. To define arrays of more than one
dimension with an array constructor, you must use the RESHAPE(3f) intrinsic

Note that the ORDER= option on RESHAPE(3f) is used to allow the values
to be specified in row-column order instead of the default behavior,
which fills columns first.

Also note that if the expressions are of type character, Fortran 95/90
requires each expression to have the same character length (there is a
common compiler extension that extends all strings to the length of the
longest value specified, but depending on it reduces portability).

Printing small arrays in row-column format

When working with small arrays the issue that there is no default Fortran
routine for printing an array in row-column order becomes apparent. So
lets create a simple solution for integer arrays (PRINT_MATRIX_INT(3f)):

 program demo_array_constructor ! initializing small arrays
 implicit none
 integer,save :: xx(3,5)= reshape([&

     1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &
    10,20,30,40,50, &
    11,22,33,44,-1055  &


 call print_matrix_int('xx array:',xx)


 subroutine print_matrix_int(title,arr)
 implicit none

 character(len=*),parameter::ident= "@(#)print_matrix_int(3f) - print small 2d integer arrays in row-column format"

 character(len=*),intent(in)  :: title
 integer,intent(in)           :: arr(:,:)
 integer                      :: i
 character(len=:),allocatable :: biggest

    write(*,*)trim(title)                                                 ! print title
    biggest='           '                                                 ! make buffer to write integer into
    write(biggest,'(i0)')ceiling(log10(real(maxval(abs(arr)))))+2         ! find how many characters to use for integers
    biggest='(" > [",*(i'//trim(biggest)//':,","))'                       ! use this format to write a row
    do i=1,size(arr,dim=1)                                                ! print one row of array at a time
       write(*,'(" ]")')

 end subroutine print_matrix_int

 end program demo_array_constructor


 xx array:
 > [  1,  2,  3,  4,  5 ]
 > [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ]
 > [ 11, 22, 33, 44, 55 ]

We could do a more robust version that handles REAL and COMPLEX values
as well as NaN values, but it has already been done. If you need to
print a variety of small matrices see:

 dispmodule(3f), "A Fortran 95 module for pretty-printing matrices".
 Kristjan Jonasson, Department of Computer Science,
 School of Science and Engineering, University of Iceland,
 Hjardarhaga 4, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland (

#Initializing a 2D array using DATA statements

Note that DATA statements are very flexible, and allow for perhaps the
most intelligible way of specifying small arrays row by row. For example:

  ! fill rows using DATA statements
  integer,save,dimension(3,5) :: gg
  data gg(1,:)/  1,  2,  3,  4,  5 /
  data gg(2,:)/ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 /
  data gg(3,:)/ 11, 22, 33, 44, 55 /

There are other ways to use a DATA statement to fill in row-column order,
including use of the SIZE(3f) function and an implied-DO:

  ! use implied-DO so data can be declared in row-column order
  integer, dimension(3,5) :: ff
  DATA (( ff(J,I), I=1,size(ff,dim=2)), J=1,size(ff,dim=1)) / &
     01,02,03,04,05, &
     10,20,30,40,50, &
     11,22,33,44,55  /

Initializing a 2D array from a vector using EQUIVALENCE

Sometimes instead of using RESHAPE(3f) you will see someone initialize a
vector and then equivalence it to a multi-dimensional array; especially
if the code has a reason to access the data as both a vector and a matrix:

  ! multi-dimensional row1, row2, .... by equivalence
  integer,parameter :: d1=3,d2=5
  integer           :: ee(d1,d2)
  ! note that the DATA statements could be used to initialize the array instead
  integer           :: e(d1*d2) =[1,10,11, 2,20,22, 3,30,33, 4,40,44, 5,50,55]
  equivalence       (e(1),ee(1,1))


Remember that for simple initializations vector statements can be used

  real :: arr(10,20)=0.0
  ! array constructors can be used to define constants, not just vectors
  integer,parameter :: ii(10,10)=[(i,i=1,size(ii))] ! odd numbers using implied-DO

and that if things are too complicated you can just set the values in the executable
body of the code.

  program test_random_number
  real :: r(5,5)
     call random_number(r)
  end program

Remember that a DATA statement does not require that all values be
initialized, whereas an array constructor does; and that you cannot
initialize values multiple times and be standard-conforming. So be very
careful when using DATA statements that you initialized everything you
wanted to.