Please clarify the format 990 to me I will be very thankful
C Read event Date, Latitude, Longitude, Magnitude, Lineament angle
READ(5,990) IYR(I),IM(I),ID(I), QKE(I,1),QKE(I,2),QKE(I,3),TH(I)
990 FORMAT(3I4, 2F10.3, 2F12.1)
Please clarify the format 990 to me I will be very thankful
C Read event Date, Latitude, Longitude, Magnitude, Lineament angle
READ(5,990) IYR(I),IM(I),ID(I), QKE(I,1),QKE(I,2),QKE(I,3),TH(I)
990 FORMAT(3I4, 2F10.3, 2F12.1)
One way of understing it would be to use any online compiler
And try out writing instead of reading:
program main
integer, parameter :: dim = 1
integer :: I
integer :: IYR(dim),IM(dim),ID(dim)
real :: QKE(dim,3) ,TH(dim)
IYR(:) = 1 ; IM(:) = 2 ; ID(:) = 3
QKE(:,:) = acos(-1.) ; TH(:) = 2*acos(-1.)
I = 1
write(*,990) IYR(I),IM(I),ID(I), QKE(I,1),QKE(I,2),QKE(I,3),TH(I)
990 FORMAT(3I4, 2F10.3, 2F12.1)
end program
1 2 3 3.142 3.142 3.1 6.3
From the format you can already see that it expects:
3 integers, 2 reals , 2 reals
For more details on the formats:
For the integers ‘I4’: it is expected that they contain less than 4 digits, anything > 9999 will cause problems
For the reals ‘F10.3’ : 10 characters are used for the formatted writting/reading and 3 decimal places are used
Beware of “-
” sign, which is counted in the 4 characters… That means that anything <-999 will cause problems too.
Exactly! nice catch