I created a small Fortran example of discrete dynamic programming that occurs quite often in macroeconomics. It is an optimal savings problem for a consumer who received idiosyncratic shocks to their income.
I was interested in comparing loop-based Fortran code vs vectorized code, both in ifort and in ifx. Just to avoid misunderstandings, the definition of “vectorizing” that I am using is the following: I vectorize if I replace this code
do i=1,n
yvec(i) = exp(xvec(i))
with the following code:
yvec = exp(xvec)
With this in mind, I coded the dynamic programming example in three different subroutines:
- bellman_op, which is the benchmark based entirely on loops (three do loops)
- bellman_op_vec, which is partially vectorized (I eliminated the innermost loop over a’)
- bellman_op_vec2, which is even more vectorized (I eliminated the two innermost loops)
bellman_op is here:
subroutine bellman_op(v_new,pol_ap, v)
! Purpose: Bellman operator, it does one step of the VFI
! This version is loop-based and can be parallelized with OpenMP
! For vectorized versions, see subroutine bellman_op_vec, bellman_op_vec2
implicit none
! Inputs:
real(8), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
! Outputs:
real(8), intent(out) :: v_new(:,:), pol_ap(:,:)
! Locals:
real(8), allocatable :: EV(:,:)
integer :: a_c, z_c, ap_c, ap_ind
real(8) :: a_val, z_val, aprime_val, cons, v_max, v_temp
! Compute expected value function EV(a',z) = sum over z' of v(a',z')*z_tran(z,z')
EV = matmul(v,transpose(z_tran))
! Step through the state space
!$omp parallel if (par_fortran==1) default(shared) &
!$ private(z_c,a_c,a_val,z_val,v_max,ap_ind,ap_c,aprime_val,cons,v_temp)
!$omp do collapse(2)
do z_c=1,n_z
do a_c=1,n_a
! Current states
a_val = a_grid(a_c)
z_val = z_grid(z_c)
! Initialize v_new
v_max = large_negative
ap_ind = 0
! Choose a' optimally by stepping through all possible values
do ap_c=1,n_a
aprime_val = ap_grid(ap_c)
cons = R*a_val + z_val - aprime_val
if (cons>0.0d0) then
v_temp = f_util(cons) + beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
!v_temp = f_util(cons) + beta*sum(v(ap_c,:)*z_tran(z_c,:))
if (v_temp>v_max) then
v_max = v_temp
ap_ind = ap_c
end if
enddo !end a'
v_new(a_c,z_c) = v_max
pol_ap(a_c,z_c) = ap_grid(ap_ind)
!$omp enddo
!$omp end parallel
end subroutine bellman_op
subroutine bellman_op_vec(v_new,pol_ap, v)
! Purpose: Bellman operator, it does one step of the VFI
! This version is partially vectorized (eliminated loop over a')
! For a loop-based version, see subroutine bellman_op
! For a fully vectorized version, see subroutine bellman_op_vec2
implicit none
! Inputs:
real(8), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
! Outputs:
real(8), intent(out) :: v_new(:,:), pol_ap(:,:)
! Locals:
real(8), allocatable :: EV(:,:), cons(:), v_temp(:)
integer :: a_c,z_c,ap_ind,ap_c
real(8) :: a_val,z_val
! Compute expected value function EV(a',z) = sum over z' of v(a',z')*z_tran(z,z')
EV = matmul(v,transpose(z_tran))
! Step through the state space
!$omp parallel if (par_fortran==1) default(shared) &
!$ private(z_c,a_c,a_val,z_val,ap_ind,ap_c,cons,v_temp)
!$omp do collapse(2)
do z_c=1,n_z
do a_c=1,n_a
! Current state
a_val = a_grid(a_c)
z_val = z_grid(z_c)
! Compute consumption
cons = R*a_val + z_val - ap_grid ! (n_ap,1)
! NOTE: where and merge are slower than forall
! NOTE: forall and do concurrent are equivalent with ifort
! but do concurrent is very slow with ifx!
!where (cons>0.0d0)
! util = f_util(cons) ! (n_ap,1)
! util = large_negative
!end where
!util = merge(f_util(cons),large_negative,cons>0.0d0)
! v_temp = large_negative
! do concurrent (ap_c=1:n_a, cons(ap_c)>0.0d0)
! v_temp(ap_c) = f_util(cons(ap_c))+beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
! enddo
v_temp = large_negative
forall (ap_c=1:n_a, cons(ap_c)>0.0d0)
v_temp(ap_c) = f_util(cons(ap_c))+beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
end forall
ap_ind = maxloc(v_temp,dim=1)
v_new(a_c,z_c) = v_temp(ap_ind)
pol_ap(a_c,z_c) = a_grid(ap_ind)
!$omp enddo
!$omp end parallel
end subroutine bellman_op_vec
and finally bellman_op_vec2:
subroutine bellman_op_vec2(v_new,pol_ap, v)
! Purpose: Bellman operator, it does one step of the VFI
! This version is partially vectorized (eliminated loops over a and a')
! For a loop-based version, see subroutine bellman_op
implicit none
! Inputs:
real(8), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
! Outputs:
real(8), intent(out) :: v_new(:,:), pol_ap(:,:)
! Locals:
real(8), allocatable :: EV(:,:), cons(:,:), v_temp(:,:)
integer, allocatable :: ap_ind(:)
integer :: z_c,ap_c,a_c
real(8) :: z_val
! Compute expected value function EV(a',z) = sum over z' of v(a',z')*z_tran(z,z')
EV = matmul(v,transpose(z_tran))
! Step through the state space
do z_c=1,n_z
! Current state
z_val = z_grid(z_c)
! Compute consumption
cons = R*a_grid2 + z_val - ap_grid2 ! (n_ap,n_a)
v_temp = large_negative
forall (a_c=1:n_a,ap_c=1:n_ap, cons(ap_c,a_c)>0.0d0)
v_temp(ap_c,a_c) = f_util(cons(ap_c,a_c))+beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
end forall
! v_temp is a 2-dim array(a',a), we need to find the max along a'
ap_ind = maxloc(v_temp,dim=1)
v_new(:,z_c) = maxval(v_temp,dim=1)
pol_ap(:,z_c) = a_grid(ap_ind)
end subroutine bellman_op_vec2
What I have found, to my partial surprise, is that the vectorized versions are either the same or worse than the loops-based version and that ifx is much slower than ifort (these might be two totally separate issues, but I didn’t want to write two posts). Here are the timings (I report the median time across 10 runs for each case)
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | C |
Version | Time in secs (IFORT) | Time in secs (IFX) | |
All loops (bellman_op) | 0.78 | 1.63 | |
Vectorized loop over a’ (bellman_op_vec) | 0.75 | 1.8 | |
Vectorized loops over a’ and a (bellman_op_vec2) | 1.3 | 2.18 |
Other observations:
- When working with arrays in the vectorized code, I found that the constructs
are slower thanforall
ordo concurrent
. In ifort,forall
anddo concurrent
give similar performance, whereas in ifxdo concurrent
is super slow. All the timings reported above are based onforall
for the vectorized versions. - As compilation flags I use the following
/O3 /fast /Qmkl /Qopenmp /Qparallel
but ifx returns the warning that/Qparallel
is not supported. This might be a problem because can the compiler optimize the forall and do concurrent without the parallel option?
If someone is interested in replicating my code, I attach here below the full version. The above code is also available on github here
! Title: Solving the income fluctuation problem with vectorization/parallelization
! Author: Alessandro Di Nola
! References:
! (1) https://julia.quantecon.org/dynamic_programming/ifp.html
! (2) Dynamic Programming on the GPU via JAX
! QE note https://notes.quantecon.org/submission/622ed4daf57192000f918c61
module mod_numerical
implicit none
public :: linspace
function linspace(my_start, my_stop, n)
! Purpose: replicate Matlab function <linspace>
implicit none
! Inputs:
integer :: n
real(8) :: my_start, my_stop
! Function result:
real(8) :: linspace(n)
! Locals:
integer :: i
real(8) :: step, grid(n)
if (n == 1) then
grid(n) = (my_start+my_stop)/2.d0
elseif (n>=2) then
grid(1) = my_start
if (n>2) then
step = (my_stop-my_start)/(real(n-1,8))
do i = 2, n-1
grid(i) = grid(i-1) + step
end do
end if
grid(n) = my_stop
linspace = grid
end function linspace
end module mod_numerical
module mod_globals
implicit none
real(8), parameter :: large_negative = -1.0d10
character(len=*), parameter :: savedir = "output\"
real(8) :: R, beta, gamma, a_min, a_max, rho, sig_z
integer :: n_a, n_z, n_ap, par_fortran
real(8), allocatable :: a_grid(:), ap_grid(:), z_grid(:), z_tran(:,:)
real(8), allocatable :: a_grid2(:,:), ap_grid2(:,:) !needed for vectorized code
elemental function f_util(c) result(util)
! Purpose: utility function
! Assumption: c is positive, this is enforced
! elsewhere in the code
real(8), intent(in) :: c
real(8) :: util
if (abs(gamma-1.0d0)<1.0d-6) then
util = log(c)
util = c**(1.0d0-gamma)/(1.0d0-gamma)
end function f_util
end module mod_globals
module mod_vfi
use mod_globals
use omp_lib
implicit none
public :: bellman_op, bellman_op_vec, bellman_op_vec2
subroutine bellman_op(v_new,pol_ap, v)
! Purpose: Bellman operator, it does one step of the VFI
! This version is loop-based and can be parallelized with OpenMP
! For vectorized versions, see subroutine bellman_op_vec, bellman_op_vec2
implicit none
! Inputs:
real(8), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
! Outputs:
real(8), intent(out) :: v_new(:,:), pol_ap(:,:)
! Locals:
real(8), allocatable :: EV(:,:)
integer :: a_c, z_c, ap_c, ap_ind
real(8) :: a_val, z_val, aprime_val, cons, v_max, v_temp
! Compute expected value function EV(a',z) = sum over z' of v(a',z')*z_tran(z,z')
EV = matmul(v,transpose(z_tran))
! Step through the state space
!$omp parallel if (par_fortran==1) default(shared) &
!$ private(z_c,a_c,a_val,z_val,v_max,ap_ind,ap_c,aprime_val,cons,v_temp)
!$omp do collapse(2)
do z_c=1,n_z
do a_c=1,n_a
! Current states
a_val = a_grid(a_c)
z_val = z_grid(z_c)
! Initialize v_new
v_max = large_negative
ap_ind = 0
! Choose a' optimally by stepping through all possible values
do ap_c=1,n_a
aprime_val = ap_grid(ap_c)
cons = R*a_val + z_val - aprime_val
if (cons>0.0d0) then
v_temp = f_util(cons) + beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
!v_temp = f_util(cons) + beta*sum(v(ap_c,:)*z_tran(z_c,:))
if (v_temp>v_max) then
v_max = v_temp
ap_ind = ap_c
end if
enddo !end a'
v_new(a_c,z_c) = v_max
pol_ap(a_c,z_c) = ap_grid(ap_ind)
!$omp enddo
!$omp end parallel
end subroutine bellman_op
subroutine bellman_op_vec(v_new,pol_ap, v)
! Purpose: Bellman operator, it does one step of the VFI
! This version is partially vectorized (eliminated loop over a')
! For a loop-based version, see subroutine bellman_op
! For a fully vectorized version, see subroutine bellman_op_vec2
implicit none
! Inputs:
real(8), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
! Outputs:
real(8), intent(out) :: v_new(:,:), pol_ap(:,:)
! Locals:
real(8), allocatable :: EV(:,:), cons(:), v_temp(:)
integer :: a_c,z_c,ap_ind,ap_c
real(8) :: a_val,z_val
! Compute expected value function EV(a',z) = sum over z' of v(a',z')*z_tran(z,z')
EV = matmul(v,transpose(z_tran))
! Step through the state space
!$omp parallel if (par_fortran==1) default(shared) &
!$ private(z_c,a_c,a_val,z_val,ap_ind,ap_c,cons,v_temp)
!$omp do collapse(2)
do z_c=1,n_z
do a_c=1,n_a
! Current state
a_val = a_grid(a_c)
z_val = z_grid(z_c)
! Compute consumption
cons = R*a_val + z_val - ap_grid ! (n_ap,1)
! NOTE: where and merge are slower than forall
! NOTE: forall and do concurrent are equivalent with ifort
! but do concurrent is very slow with ifx!
!where (cons>0.0d0)
! util = f_util(cons) ! (n_ap,1)
! util = large_negative
!end where
!util = merge(f_util(cons),large_negative,cons>0.0d0)
! v_temp = large_negative
! do concurrent (ap_c=1:n_a, cons(ap_c)>0.0d0)
! v_temp(ap_c) = f_util(cons(ap_c))+beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
! enddo
v_temp = large_negative
forall (ap_c=1:n_a, cons(ap_c)>0.0d0)
v_temp(ap_c) = f_util(cons(ap_c))+beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
end forall
ap_ind = maxloc(v_temp,dim=1)
v_new(a_c,z_c) = v_temp(ap_ind)
pol_ap(a_c,z_c) = a_grid(ap_ind)
!$omp enddo
!$omp end parallel
end subroutine bellman_op_vec
subroutine bellman_op_vec2(v_new,pol_ap, v)
! Purpose: Bellman operator, it does one step of the VFI
! This version is partially vectorized (eliminated loops over a and a')
! For a loop-based version, see subroutine bellman_op
implicit none
! Inputs:
real(8), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
! Outputs:
real(8), intent(out) :: v_new(:,:), pol_ap(:,:)
! Locals:
real(8), allocatable :: EV(:,:), cons(:,:), v_temp(:,:)
integer, allocatable :: ap_ind(:)
integer :: z_c,ap_c,a_c
real(8) :: z_val
! Compute expected value function EV(a',z) = sum over z' of v(a',z')*z_tran(z,z')
EV = matmul(v,transpose(z_tran))
! Step through the state space
do z_c=1,n_z
! Current state
z_val = z_grid(z_c)
! Compute consumption
cons = R*a_grid2 + z_val - ap_grid2 ! (n_ap,n_a)
v_temp = large_negative
forall (a_c=1:n_a,ap_c=1:n_ap, cons(ap_c,a_c)>0.0d0)
v_temp(ap_c,a_c) = f_util(cons(ap_c,a_c))+beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
end forall
! v_temp is a 2-dim array(a',a), we need to find the max along a'
ap_ind = maxloc(v_temp,dim=1)
v_new(:,z_c) = maxval(v_temp,dim=1)
pol_ap(:,z_c) = a_grid(ap_ind)
end subroutine bellman_op_vec2
end module mod_vfi
program main
use mod_globals
use mod_vfi
use mod_utilities, only: disp,writescalar,writedim
use mod_numerical, only: linspace
use omp_lib
implicit none
! Declarations
integer :: istat,it,verbose,maxit,z_c,a_c,method
real(8) :: t1,t2,err,tol
!integer, allocatable :: pol_ap_ind(:,:)
real(8), allocatable :: V(:,:),V_new(:,:),pol_ap(:,:),pol_c(:,:)
write(*,*) "Starting program..."
! ---------------------- Set numerical parameters ----------------------!
method = 1 ! 0: loop-based, 1: vectorized, 2: vectorized2
verbose = 1 ! If 1, print iteration info
par_fortran = 0 ! If 1, parallelize with OpenMP
tol = 1.0d-6 ! Tolerance for VFI
maxit = 1000 ! Maximum number of iterations
! ---------------------- Set economic parameter values ----------------------!
R = 1.03d0 ! Gross interest rate, R = 1+r
beta = 0.96d0 ! Discount factor
gamma = 1.0d0 ! Coeff. rel. risk aversion (if 1, log utility)
! ---------------------- Set grids and probabilities ------------------------!
a_min = 0.0d0 ! Minimum value of asset grid
a_max = 4.0d0 ! Maximum value of asset grid
n_a = 1000 ! Number of grid points for a (state variable)
n_ap = n_a ! Number of grid points for a' (choice variable)
a_grid = linspace(a_min,a_max,n_a)
ap_grid = a_grid
!call disp("a_grid = ",a_grid(1:100))
! Expand a_grid to 2D
if (istat/=0) error stop "Allocation of a_grid2 and ap_grid2 failed!"
do a_c=1,n_a
a_grid2(a_c,:) = a_grid !varies along rows
ap_grid2(:,a_c) = ap_grid !varies along columns
!call disp("a_grid2 = ",a_grid2)
!call disp("ap_grid2 = ",ap_grid2)
n_z = 2 ! Number of grid points for z (shock)
if (istat/=0) error stop "Allocation of z_grid and z_tran failed!"
z_grid = [0.5d0,1.0d0]
! Transition matrix for z (rows sum to 1)
z_tran(1,:) = [0.6d0,0.4d0]
z_tran(2,:) = [0.05d0,0.95d0]
!call disp("z_grid = ",z_grid)
!call disp("z_tran = ",z_tran)
! ---------------------- Initialize value function ----------------------!
if (istat/=0) error stop "Allocation of V and pol_ap failed!"
V = 0.0d0 ! Initial guess for value function
it = 1
err = tol+1.0d0
write(*,*) "Starting VFI..."
write(*,*) "Method = ",method
t1 = omp_get_wtime()
do while (err>tol .and. it<maxit)
if (method==0) then
call bellman_op(V_new,pol_ap, V)
elseif (method==1) then
call bellman_op_vec(V_new,pol_ap, V)
elseif (method==2) then
call bellman_op_vec2(V_new,pol_ap, V)
error stop "Invalid method!"
err = maxval(abs(V_new-V))
if (verbose==1) then
write(*,*) "Iteration ",it," error = ",err
! Update
V = V_new
it = it + 1
t2 = omp_get_wtime()
write(*,*) "============================================================="
write(*,*) 'VFI runs for',real(t2-t1),'seconds.'
write(*,*) "============================================================="
! Compute policy function for consumption
do z_c=1,n_z
pol_c(:,z_c) = R*a_grid + z_grid(z_c) - pol_ap(:,z_c)
write(*,*) "Writing results to file..."
call sub_write()
subroutine sub_write()
! NOTE: The subroutines writescalar and writedim are defined in mod_utilities
! If you don't have mod_utilities, just comment out the calls to these subroutines
call writescalar(n_a,trim(savedir)//'n_a.txt')
call writescalar(n_z,trim(savedir)//'n_z.txt')
! Write grids and probs to files
call writedim(z_grid,trim(savedir)//'z_grid.txt')
call writedim(a_grid,trim(savedir)//'a_grid.txt')
call writedim(V,trim(savedir)//'V.txt')
call writedim(pol_ap,trim(savedir)//'pol_ap.txt')
call writedim(pol_c,trim(savedir)//'pol_c.txt')
!call writedim(mu,trim(savedir)//'mu.txt')
end subroutine sub_write
end program main
Note that in the code there are some openMP directives but they are not used at the moment (since the variable par_fortran
is set to zero).
Any comment or suggestion on how to improve the code is welcome! (Including on how to get rid of the smile face in some array definitions
Overall, I find it quite odd that ifx gives a code that is significantly slower compared to ifort and that now Intel says that ifort is deprecated.