NEK for computational fluid dynamics moving to C++?

I would point out that one of the reasons Fortran is attractive is that it is a fundamentally simple language, compared to C++. So we do not want to emulate “growing so fast” as C++.

Quite frankly one issue is that there is not a community agreement on many of the features being put forward. That forces a lot of the people who do not agree with the direction to “kibitz”, as you say.

If I may suggest: you, as the WG5 convenor have a lot of visibility, soft power and community respect to help improve the situation. What you can do is get the community on board with the features that the J3 committee is putting forward. More specifically, for 202Y, I would suggest you start early and try to get community support for features that should go in. If you agree, I can help you. We should start a thread here and start soliciting a “draft” of new features, selected from the J3 incubator GitHub repository (or other places if there are some features not yet proposed there). If there is strong community support and involvement from the start, I can guarantee that more people will help. The effort should start from you, as the convenor. But I am offering my help, if you bless this plan. I am happy to organize the community to start this discussion, under your direction.