Making a snake game and i made a function for creating an apple position which has lots of errors

function NewAppleLocation(boardSize, player)
    use :: cfunctions
    type Vec2_t
        integer :: x, y
    end type
    type(Vec2_t) :: NewAppleLocation
    type Player_t
        type(Vec2_t)                            :: pos
        integer                                 :: direction
        type(Vec2_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: tail
    end type
    type(Player_t) :: player
    type(Vec2_t)   :: test
    integer        :: i ! iterator
    integer        :: j ! iterator

    logical :: created = .false.
    logical :: valid

    ! generate an array of valid apple positions
    logical, dimension(boardSize.y, boardSize.x) :: available
    integer                                      :: numberAvailable
    numberAvailable = boardSize%y * boardSize%x
    do i = 1, boardSize%y
        do j = 1, boardSize%x
            available(i, j) = .true.
        end do
    end do
    do i = 1, size(player%tail) ! remove taken places
        available(player%tail(i)%y, player%tail(i)%x) = .false.
        numberAvailable                               = numberAvailable - 1
    end do
    type(Vec2_t), dimension(numberAvailable) availablePositions
    type(Vec2_t) :: add
    integer      :: posIndex = 1
    do i = 1, boardSize%y
        do j = 1, boardSize%x
            if (available(i, j)) then
                add%x                        = j
                add%y                        = i
                availablePositions(posIndex) = add
                posIndex                     = posIndex + 1
            end if
        end do
    end do

    NewAppleLocation = availablePositions(RandomRange(1, numberAvailable))
end function NewAppleLocation

   61 | function NewAppleLocation(boardSize, player)
      | 1
Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1)

   55 | type Player_t
      |             2        
   62 |     use :: cfunctions
      |                     1
Error: USE statement at (1) cannot follow derived type declaration statement at (2)

   75 |     numberAvailable = boardSize%y * boardSize%x
      |                                 1
Error: Symbol ‘boardsize’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type

   76 |     allocate(available(boardSize.y, boardSize.x))
      |                                 1
Error: Invalid form of array reference at (1)

   77 |     do i = 1, boardSize%y
      |                         1
Error: Symbol ‘boardsize’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type

   78 |         do j = 1, boardSize%x
      |                             1
Error: Symbol ‘boardsize’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type

   80 |         end do
      |           1
Error: Expecting END PROGRAM statement at (1)

   81 |     end do
      |       1
Error: Expecting END PROGRAM statement at (1)

   86 |     type(Vec2_t), dimension(numberAvailable) availablePositions
      |                  1
Error: Invalid character in name at (1)

   87 |     type(Vec2_t) :: add
      |                       1
Error: Unexpected data declaration statement at (1)

   88 |     integer      :: posIndex = 1
      |                                1
Error: Unexpected data declaration statement at (1)

   89 |     do i = 1, boardSize%y
      |                         1
Error: Symbol ‘boardsize’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type

   90 |         do j = 1, boardSize%x
      |                             1
Error: Symbol ‘boardsize’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type

   92 |                 add%x                        = j
      |                     1
Error: Symbol ‘add’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type

   93 |                 add%y                        = i
      |                     1
Error: Symbol ‘add’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type

   97 |         end do
      |           1
Error: Expecting END PROGRAM statement at (1)

   98 |     end do
      |       1
Error: Expecting END PROGRAM statement at (1)

  102 | end function NewAppleLocation
      |   1

i feel like it might have something to do with other parts of my code so here is all of main.f90 module cfunctions use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_int interfac -

1 Like

fixed some stupid mistakes

function NewAppleLocation(boardSize, player)
    use :: cfunctions
    type Vec2_t
        integer :: x, y
    end type
    type(Vec2_t) :: NewAppleLocation
    type Player_t
        type(Vec2_t)                            :: pos
        integer                                 :: direction
        type(Vec2_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: tail
    end type
    type(Player_t) :: player
    type(Vec2_t)   :: boardSize
    type(Vec2_t)   :: test
    integer        :: i ! iterator
    integer        :: j ! iterator

    logical :: created = .false.
    logical :: valid

    ! generate an array of valid apple positions
    logical, dimension(boardSize.y, boardSize.x) :: available
    integer                                      :: numberAvailable
    numberAvailable = boardSize%y * boardSize%x
    do i = 1, boardSize%y
        do j = 1, boardSize%x
            available(i, j) = .true.
        end do
    end do
    do i = 1, size(player%tail) ! remove taken places
        available(player%tail(i)%y, player%tail(i)%x) = .false.
        numberAvailable                               = numberAvailable - 1
    end do
    type(Vec2_t), dimension(numberAvailable) :: availablePositions
    type(Vec2_t) :: add
    integer      :: posIndex = 1
    do i = 1, boardSize%y
        do j = 1, boardSize%x
            if (available(i, j)) then
                add%x                        = j
                add%y                        = i
                availablePositions(posIndex) = add
                posIndex                     = posIndex + 1
            end if
        end do
    end do

    NewAppleLocation = availablePositions(RandomRange(1, numberAvailable))
end function NewAppleLocation

   73 |     logical, dimension(boardSize.y, boardSize.x) :: available
      |                                 1
Error: Expected another dimension in array declaration at (1)

   85 |     type(Vec2_t), dimension(numberAvailable) :: availablePositions
      |                                                                  1
Error: Unexpected data declaration statement at (1)

   86 |     type(Vec2_t) :: add
      |                       1
Error: Unexpected data declaration statement at (1)

   87 |     integer      :: posIndex = 1
      |                                1
Error: Unexpected data declaration statement at (1)

   91 |                 add%x                        = j
      |                     1
Error: Symbol ‘add’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type

   92 |                 add%y                        = i
      |                     1
Error: Symbol ‘add’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type

   78 |             available(i, j) = .true.
      |                                    1
Error: Fortran 2008: Pointer procedure assignment at (1)

   78 |             available(i, j) = .true.
      |            1
Error: The function result on the lhs of the assignment at (1) must have the pointer attribute.

   82 |         available(player%tail(i)%y, player%tail(i)%x) = .false.
      |                                                               1
Error: Fortran 2008: Pointer procedure assignment at (1)

   82 |         available(player%tail(i)%y, player%tail(i)%x) = .false.
      |        1
Error: The function result on the lhs of the assignment at (1) must have the pointer attribute.

   90 |             if (available(i, j)) then
      |                1
Error: IF clause at (1) requires a scalar LOGICAL expression

   93 |                 availablePositions(posIndex) = add
      |                                                  1
Error: Fortran 2008: Pointer procedure assignment at (1)

   93 |                 availablePositions(posIndex) = add
      |                1
Error: The function result on the lhs of the assignment at (1) must have the pointer attribute.

   99 |     NewAppleLocation = availablePositions(RandomRange(1, numberAvailable))
      |                                                     1
Error: Return type mismatch of function ‘randomrange’ at (1) (REAL(4)/INTEGER(4))

   99 |     NewAppleLocation = availablePositions(RandomRange(1, numberAvailable))
      |                       1
Error: Cannot convert REAL(4) to TYPE(vec2_t) at (1)

i put a . instead of %

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Perhaps of interest here: my graphical snake game in Fortran 2003 for X11, using the EGGX/ProCALL library.


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