I written the following code to find an array of values then to search those values for matches to a set of conditions. The code appears to run without errors but for some reason I am losing the values to several of the array parameters. There are 4 parameters in each array and most of them are working fine but others output random large values.
program solve_gear_ratios
implicit none
integer:: found_solutions, tsolutions
integer, parameter:: final_solutions = 40
!Teeth parameters
integer:: Tsa, Tsa_min, Tsa_max, Tra, Tra_min, Tra_max
integer:: Pcha, Pcha_min, Pcha_max
integer:: Pch(final_solutions), Ts(final_solutions), Tr(final_solutions)
!Total Ratio Values
real:: Rt, Rt_calc
real:: PRa, PRa_min, PRa_max, PR1, PR2, PR3
real:: PR(final_solutions)
!Teeth Check values
real:: Pta, Pta_calc, Pta_dif
!Sun Pitch Diameters
real:: Pdsa_calc
!Planet Pd & OD
real:: Pdpa, OdPa, OdPa_check
!Ring Pitch Diameters
real:: Pdra_calc, Pdra_max, Pdra_min
!Planetary Ratios
real:: Pclear
real:: pi
!File Writer
integer::unit_number, iostat, i, j, k
!character(len=200) :: row1, row2, row3, blank_row
tsolutions = 0
found_solutions = 0
filename = 'azimuth-Planetary-data-101.csv'
unit_number = 10
!Open File for writing
open(unit = unit_number, file = filename, status = 'replace', action = 'write', iostat = iostat)
if (iostat /= 0) then
print*, 'Error opening file: ', filename
end if
! Write header row
write(unit_number, '(A)', iostat = iostat) 'Ratio, Pitch, Sun Teeth, Ring Teeth'
if (iostat /= 0) then
print*, 'Error opening file: ', filename
end if
!Set System parameters
!Total Ratio
Rt = 892.5
!Planet to Planet Clearance
Pclear = 3e-2
pi = 3.141592654
!Planetary 1 range parameters
Pcha_min = 4
Pcha_max = 128
Tsa_min = 12
Tsa_max = 48
Tra_min = 40
Tra_max = 640
Pdra_min = 3.0
Pdra_max = 4.9
PRa_min = 9
PRa_max = 16
i=0; j=0; k=0
do Pcha = Pcha_min,Pcha_max
do Tsa = Tsa_min, Tsa_max
do Tra = Tra_min, Tra_max
!print*, P0, Ts0, Tr0
PRa =(1 + (real(Tra)/Tsa))
Pta = (Tra - Tsa) / 2
Pta_calc = (real(Tra)-real(Tsa))/2
Pta_dif = Pta_calc - Pta
Pdra_calc = real(Tra)/Pcha
Pdsa_calc = real(Tsa)/Pcha
OdPa = (Pta_calc +2 )/Pcha
OdPa_check = ((Pdsa_calc + Pdra_calc)*sin(pi/3.0)) - Pclear
Pdpa =real(Pta)/Pcha
!print*, 'PR0 =', PR0, 'Pdr0_calc =', Pdr0_calc, 'Pt0 =', Pt0, 'OdP0_check =', OdP0_check
if ((PRa < PRa_max) .and. (PRa > PRa_min)) then
if ((Pdra_calc <= Pdra_max) .and. (Pdra_calc >= Pdra_min)) then
if ((Pta_dif ==0) .and. (OdPa_check > OdPa)) then
!print*, 'PR0 =', PR0, 'Pdr0_calc =', Pdr0_calc, 'Pt0 =', Pt0, 'OdP0_check =', OdP0_check
tsolutions = tsolutions +1
PR(tsolutions) = PRa
Ts(tsolutions) = Tsa
Tr(tsolutions) = Tra
Pch(tsolutions) = Pcha
!print*, tsolutions
!print*, P(tsolutions), Ts(tsolutions), Tr(tsolutions), P(tsolutions)
!print*, tsolutions
!if (tsolutions >= tsolutions_max) exit
!print*, 'Hello'
do i = 1, tsolutions
do j = 1, tsolutions
if (j /= i .and. Pch(i) > Pch(j)) then
do k = 1, tsolutions
if (k /= i .and. k /=j .and. Pch(j) > Pch(k)) then
PR1 = PR(i)
PR2 = PR(j)
PR3 = Rt / (PR1 * PR2)
Rt_calc = PR(i) * PR(j) * PR(k)
!print*, found_solutions
if (abs(Rt_calc - Rt) < 1e-1) then
found_solutions = found_solutions +1
print*, Rt_calc, Pch(i), PR(i), Ts(i), Tr(i)
print*, Rt_calc, Pch(j), PR(j), Ts(j), Tr(j)
print*, Rt_calc, Pch(k), PR(k), Ts(k), Tr(k)
print*, ''
write(unit_number, '(F10.4, A)') Rt_calc
write(unit_number, '(F10.4, A, I5, A, I5, A, I5)') PR(i), ',', Pch(i), ',', Ts(i), ',', Tr(i)
write(unit_number, '(F10.4, A, I5, A, I5, A, I5)') PR(j), ',', Pch(j), ',', Ts(j), ',', Tr(j)
write(unit_number, '(F10.4, A, I5, A, I5, A, I5)') PR(k), ',', Pch(k), ',', Ts(k), ',', TR(k)
write(unit_number, '(A)') ''
!write(unit_number, '(A)') TRIM(row1)
!write(unit_number, '(A)') TRIM(row2)
!write(unit_number, '(A)') TRIM(row3)
!write(unit_number, '(A)') blank_row
!print*, 'tsolutions =', tsolutions
if (found_solutions >= final_solutions) then
print*, 'The maximum solutions have been found'
print*, 'If additional solutions are required, increase tsolutions_max'
end if
! Close the file
close(unit_number, iostat = iostat)
Print*, 'The data has been successfully saved to ', filename
end program
Here is a sample of the screen output the csv returns ******** for the missing values
892.564026 1091809595 9.23076916 13 107
892.564026 25 9.83333302 12 106
892.564026 24 9.83333302 12 106