Libpq-Fortran: A Fortran module that allows access to a Database

Dear all.

I’ve spent the last month developing ways to access database services via Fortran.
Today, I excited to announce this new library to you.


It is now working, so I’m releasing it.

This module can:

  • Connect PostgreSQL servers,
  • Execute commands and queries,
  • Connect and execute asynchronously.

This module is managed by Fortran Package Manager and can be easily run with a compiler, FPM, and PostgreSQL library libpq.

The documentation is still in progress, but includes a quickstart and some example.

I welcome any feedback and suggestions that will help me improve this module. (For example, I’m not very familiar with database application development, so I’d appreciate any advice on how to use it, test cases, etc.)


Welcome @amasaki203 to the Discourse and congratulations on a very polished project!

It’s great to see the open-source Fortran community getting so much momentum these days.


Thank you for your kind words of welcome. I would be happy if I could contribute to accelerating the Fortran community’s activity through this project.


Welcome @amasaki203 ! this project and also your nice blog posts are excellent contributions to the community! :clap: :rocket:


Thank you for also reading my posts!

Welcome @amasaki203 !

There’s also this - it’s been a while since I looked at it but it may be worthwhile unifying:


Oh, there is a pioneer! @freevryheid
I couldn’t find you because I was searching for “libpq”.
I would like to read the code and look for parts that can be unified!

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