I have a Fortran program that interfaces a C function, say fooFunc(), which is available in a C library installed on my system, say foolib. In the Makefile I have LDLIBS = -lfoolib. The program compiles and runs as expected in gfortran. In LFortran, the program compiles but linking fails saying
undefined reference to `fooFunc'
meaning the linker cannot “see” foolib for some reason, even though it is located in the default LIBDIR, which of course is in the PATH. I added LDFLAGS = -L/usr/lib64 (the correct LIBDIR,) just in case - no dice, still won’t link. The only way to link it is to explicitly add the library in the linking phase together with the object files the compiler made, i.e. something like
lfortran $(OBJS) /usr/lib64/libfoo.so -o $(EXE)
This works, and the resulting executable gives the correct output. That alone is great progress, but I don’t understand why the typical -lfoolib doesn’t work, and I must explicitly link the library. What am I doing wrong here?
On a related subject, would it be possible or even desirable for LFortran to inline C or other languages?
For example with C code:
program test
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer(c_int), parameter :: n=100
integer(c_int) :: i,j
real(c_float) :: arr(0:n-1),temp
call random_number(arr(:))
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++) {
if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) {
temp = arr[j];
arr[j] = arr[j + 1];
arr[j + 1] = temp;
end inline_c
print *,arr
end program
…or assembly:
program test
implicit none
integer n
real(8) dot
real(8), allocatable :: a(:),b(:)
call random_number(a(:))
call random_number(b(:))
vmovaps zmm0, zmmword ptr [a]
vmovaps zmm1, zmmword ptr [b]
mov ecx, n
vmulpd zmm2, zmm0, zmm1
vaddpd zmm3, zmm2, zmm2
vaddpd zmm2, zmm3, zmm3
add ecx, 8
vmovsd xmm4, zmm2, xmm0
vaddpd zmm0, zmm0, zmm4
cmp ecx, 16
jne .loop
vmovsd dot, xmm0
end inline_asm
print *,dot
end program
It doesn’t fit with the Fortran ethos, but it may be useful in certain circumstances for optimization, interfacing to libraries or system-level coding.