Language Marketing for Julia compared to Fortran

The videos “X in 100 seconds” at the Fireship YouTube channel are well-made and get 10^5 to 10^6 views. Such a video for Fortran would be great. In C in 100 Seconds (actually 144s) the author is able to

Categorize the language, for example statically or dynamically typed.
Say what it is used for.
Say who invented it, with a picture, and when.
Describe what languages influenced it and/or what languages it influenced.
Describe the special features of the language (for C, pointers).
Explain how to install the language on your computer and name a common implementation (he mentions GCC).
Show a small example, describing the basic types and some other features.
Show how to compile and run a program.

For Fortran the features to highlight could be speed, array operations, and coarrays.

Fireship has short videos for C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Perl, PHP, Rust, Ruby, Cobol and more.