Language Marketing for Julia compared to Fortran

This came across one of my feeds and I wanted to chime in from a Julia perspective as someone doing “Julia Marketing”. I currently serve part-time as the developer community advocate for Julia. Just to clarify, Julia is an open-source project that is part of the NumFOCUS 501c3 non-profit (the same org that is behind Jupyter, Pandas, NumPy, LFortran, etc) where I am also on the Board.

There is no “marketing” function of the project or really any organized effort to do so beyond people who are authentically excited about the language and ecosystem. I would guess that 99% of all Julia stuff out there is organic and created by enthusiastic users. I myself started as an enthusiastic user while working at NASA and as I got more involved in the language, I wanted to contribute and share what I learned. The good part is that this model can be replicated by other open source projects. Like Fortran, the Julia project has lots of things to overcome from a messaging standpoint. Why would I even use Julia since Python has such a large ecosystem (and 100 other variations of this question)?

As was mentioned by other people in this thread, for Fortran, the challenge is overcoming the perception that it is a “dying” and “old” language. Again, I will posit that we are all in the same boat here, fighting against a perception that is not always true because we have a deep belief that our tool and ecosystem can help people more effectively solve their problems.

I am currently working on a talk for Upstream 2022 specifically about how to have the right technical and behavioral mechanism in place to create advocates for your open source project. I, and surely other people in the Julia community, would always be happy to help advise the Fortran folks on how to effectively get their message out (hopefully in a way that doesn’t rub people the wrong way which it seems some of the Julia “marketing” has). I will be candid and just mention that I don’t really have a good understanding of the Fortran community so this very well might be an ongoing effort, just giving my reaction to this post where it was implied that isn’t the case and offering a hand to help!