module util_mod
implicit none
function join(words,sep) result(str)
! trim and concatenate a vector of character variables,
! inserting sep between them
character (len=*), intent(in) :: words(:),sep
character (len=(size(words)-1)*len(sep) + sum(len_trim(words))) :: str
integer :: i,nw
nw = size(words)
str = ""
if (nw < 1) then
str = words(1)
end if
do i=2,nw
str = trim(str) // sep // words(i)
end do
end function join
function c(x1,x2) result(vec)
! return character array containing present arguments
character (len=*) , intent(in), optional :: x1,x2
character (len=100) , allocatable :: vec(:)
character (len=100) , allocatable :: vec_(:)
integer :: n
allocate (vec_(2))
if (present(x1)) vec_(1) = x1
if (present(x2)) vec_(2) = x2
n = count([present(x1),present(x2)])
allocate (vec(n))
if (n > 0) vec = vec_(:n)
end function c
end module util_mod
program main
use util_mod, only: join,c
implicit none
write (*,"(a)") "'" // trim(join(c("two"),sep=",")) // "'"
write (*,"(a)") "'" // trim(join(c("two","three"),sep=",")) // "'"
end program main
with g95 and Intel Fortran on Windows 10, I get the expected output,
but GNU Fortran (GCC) 11.0.0 20200927 (experimental) from gives
'twoNďż˝ '
'two,threeďż˝ three'
Gfortran 9.3.0 or 10.2.0 on Windows Subsystem for Linux gives something similar to gfortran on Windows. Is the problem with my code or gfortran?
For some reason, most likely a compiler bug, the return value from join comes back in a wrong length. That is, instead of length 9 for the second example it comes back in length 109. While the joined values sitting at the start there is some nonsense in the remaining 100 byte which trim cannot get past.
you can check this by changing your main program to
character(:), allocatable :: x
write(*,*) len(x)
$ gfortran essai.f90 && ./a.out
$ gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 10.2.0-13ubuntu1) 10.2.0
Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
The login in this section of code seems questionable:
allocate (vec_(2))
if (present(x1)) vec_(1) = x1
if (present(x2)) vec_(2) = x2
n = count([present(x1),present(x2)])
allocate (vec(n))
if (n > 0) vec = vec_(:n)
Suppose x1 is not present and x2 is present, then vec_(2) has the value of x2 and vec_(1) is undefined. But n =1 and vec = vec_(1:1), which is not conforming. (Also the allocate(vec(n) is not necessary, though not itself an error.)
The purpose of the c() function (modeled after the c function in R) is to provide an alternate syntax to
vec = [character (len=5) :: "two","three"]
I posted a short version of the function. The full version handles up to 10 arguments. It is anticipated that the user will just use positional arguments and not write something like
I have a function
where stat_names is a vector of characters and xvec is a real vector, and I want to be able to write simply