Is "Fortran" not being used?

What “Fortran” is used for nowdays?

Welcome @Takosan in the Discourse!

The main page of states:

What is Fortran used for?
Fortran is mostly used in domains that adopted computation early–science and engineering. These include numerical weather and ocean prediction, computational fluid dynamics, applied math, statistics, and finance. Fortran is the dominant language of High Performance Computing and is used to benchmark the fastest supercomputers in the world.

Have a look at this long thread for more precise examples:

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Fortran is also used a lot in quantitative economics. If you go to the data and replication archive of the Review of Economic Dynamics, you can find many codes in Fortran.


For a glimpse where Fortran is used, you can visit the compilation Fortran code on GitHub by @Beliavsky et al. organized by topics of interest. This is complemented by Fortran-related books (“Books with Fortran code, other than textbooks”).


This forum is dominated by people from North America and Europe. Do you know how many people use Fortran in China and India? They just don’t bother talking about Fortran online.

Jane and I process the access logs from our web sites.

Here are country access counts for Fortran file access.

country_name (Total)
Algeria 12
American Samoa 4
Argentina 21
Armenia 1
Australia 210
Austria 7
Bahrain 1
Bangladesh 34
Belarus 9
Bosnia and Herzegovina 10
Brazil 215
Bulgaria 5
Canada 62
Chile 6
China 186
Colombia 6
Costa Rica 2
Cyprus 89
Czechia 21
Denmark 56
Dominican Republic 9
Ecuador 4
Egypt 5
El Salvador 1
Estonia 4
Europe 6
Finland 15
France 8122
Georgia 1
Germany 850
Ghana 10
Greece 1
Honduras 4
Hong Kong 71
India 406
Indonesia 29
Iraq 1
Ireland 384
Israel 5
Italy 162
Jamaica 1
Japan 3729
Jordan 1
Kazakhstan 3
Korea (the Republic of) 161
Korea, Republic of 4
Kuwait 2
Lithuania 2
Malaysia 7
Mexico 26
Moldova (the Republic of) 3
Montenegro 2
Morocco 20
Myanmar 1
Netherlands 21
Netherlands (the) 430
New Zealand 350
Nigeria 55
Norway 9
Oman 4
Pakistan 12
Panama 2
Peru 10
Philippines 2
Philippines (the) 1
Poland 77
Portugal 8
Romania 6
Russian Federation 4965
Saudi Arabia 4
Serbia 8
Seychelles 1
Singapore 25066
South Africa 3
Spain 51
Sweden 316
Switzerland 10
Syrian Arab Republic 3
Taiwan 7
Tanzania, United Republic of 8
Thailand 11
Tunisia 4
Turkey 66
Ukraine 25
United Kingdom 10737
United States 37143
Uruguay 1
Uzbekistan 51
Venezuela 4
Vietnam 33
Zimbabwe 10
-0- 0
-------------------------------- --------
                             |    94523 

This is for about 12 months.


Boom. Mic drop. Singapore number three. A lot of hpc codes in many fields are in Fortran. When researchers get into those fields and develop they use Fortran.