Intel Fortran Compiler Bug: overloading binary and unary operator(-) and use with extended types

Hi Sebastian, welcome to this forum.

As @han190 pointed out, the issue in your original code the operator(-) is bound to the type(vector). I suggest to read carefully the link he shared.

As for your problem, I don’t know what you actually want to achieve, but from what I could infer, you might find interesting this variant, which removes entirely the extending type(vector_parameter):

module mo_vec

   type, public :: vector
      real :: x, y
   end type vector

   interface operator(-)
      module procedure diff
      module procedure neg
   end interface

   interface vector
      procedure init_vec
  end interface vector


   ! NOTE: this is what the compiler already provides you in any case.
   elemental pure type(vector) function vector_as_comp(x, y)
      real, intent(in) :: x, y

      vector_as_comp%x = x
      vector_as_comp%y = y
   end function vector_as_comp

   ! Your custom defined vector constructor
   elemental pure type(vector) function init_vec(x, y, factor)
      real, intent(in) :: x, y, factor
      real :: x_, y_

      x_       = x * factor
      y_       = y * factor
      init_vec = vector(x_, y_)
   end function init_vec

   pure type(vector) function diff(this, that)
      class(vector), intent(in) :: this, that
      diff = vector(this%x-that%x, this%y-that%y)
   end function diff

   pure type(vector) function neg(this)
      class(vector), intent(in) :: this
      neg = vector(-this%x, -this%y)
   end function neg
end module mo_vec

program vec_test
   use mo_vec
   implicit none
   type(vector), parameter :: vec_x = vector(1., 0.)
   type(vector), parameter :: vec_y = vector(0., 1.)
   print *, vec_x - vec_y
   print *, vec_x - -vec_y
   print *, vector(1., 2., 5.)
end program vec_test

Basically, you simply make use of the default constructor that the compiler “writes” for you. Which in Fortran is the only one constructor you can use when default constructing a variable.

PS: of course, you could entirely remove the procedure vector_as_comp, it is there just as a matter of example.