Identifying change points in a time series

Given a 1D real array, viewed as a time series, one can search for M change points, sometimes termed structural breaks, where the mean changes by exhaustive search, although the time taken is exponential in M. One minimizes the total squared error for the M+1 segments of data. Below is a code that handles M = 2. Does someone have a faster and more general algorithm? There are many Fortran codes for continuous optimization but fewer for integer optimization (here the integer parameters are the positions of the breaks). Having found potential change points, statistical tests are needed to estimate the probabilities they are spurious. Changepoint: An R Package for Changepoint Analysis surveys the literature and presents an R package calling C code, but it would be nice to have a Fortran version.

module change_point_mod
implicit none
public :: dp,change_points_2
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
subroutine change_points_2(x,xmean,i1,i2)
! find the two positions i1 and i2 that best partition x(:) into segments of minimum variance
real(kind=dp), intent(in)  :: x(:)
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: xmean(:)
integer      , intent(out) :: i1,i2
integer                    :: j1,j2,n
real(kind=dp)              :: sumsq,sumsq_min,xmean_try(size(x))
n = size(x)
if (n < 3) stop "need size(x) > 2"
if (size(xmean) /= size(x)) stop "need size(x) == size(xmean)"
sumsq_min = huge(x)
do j1=2,n-1
   do j2=j1+1,n
      call set_mean(x,1,j1-1,xmean_try)
      call set_mean(x,j1,j2-1,xmean_try)
      call set_mean(x,j2,n,xmean_try)
      sumsq = sum((x-xmean_try)**2)
      if (sumsq < sumsq_min) then
         sumsq_min = sumsq
         i1 = j1
         i2 = j2
         xmean = xmean_try
      end if  
   end do
end do
end subroutine change_points_2
subroutine set_mean(x,j1,j2,xmean)
! set xmean(j1:j2) to mean(x(j1:j2))
real(kind=dp), intent(in)    :: x(:)
integer      , intent(in)    :: j1,j2
real(kind=dp), intent(inout) :: xmean(:)
integer                      :: n
n = size(x)
if (n > 0 .and. j1 > 0 .and. j2 >= j1 .and. j2 <= n) xmean(j1:j2) = sum(x(j1:j2))/(j2-j1+1)
end subroutine set_mean
end module change_point_mod

program xchange_points
! 04/23/2021 11:02 AM driver for change_points_2
use change_point_mod , only: dp,change_points_2
implicit none
integer            :: i1,i2,iter
integer, parameter :: n = 1000, niter = 5, i1_true=301, i2_true = 601
real(kind=dp)      :: xx(n),xmean(n),diff
call random_seed()
diff = 0.1_dp
write (*,"(5a8)") "i1","i2","mean1","mean2","mean3"
write (*,"(2i8,3f8.4,1x,'TRUE')") i1_true,i2_true,0.0_dp,diff,-diff
do iter=1,niter
   call random_number(xx) ! using uniform variates for simplicity -- better to use normal variates
   xx = xx - 0.5_dp
   xx(i1_true:i2_true-1) = xx(i1_true:i2_true-1) + diff
   xx(i2_true:)     = xx(i2_true:)     - diff
   call change_points_2(xx,xmean,i1,i2)
   write (*,"(2i8,3f8.4)") i1,i2,xmean([1,i1,i2])
end do
end program xchange_points

gives output

  i1      i2   mean1   mean2   mean3
 301     601  0.0000  0.1000 -0.1000 TRUE
 289     601 -0.0207  0.0931 -0.1155
 354     601 -0.0156  0.1260 -0.1053
 370     601 -0.0106  0.1410 -0.0976
 427     601  0.0040  0.1364 -0.1233
 303     598 -0.0154  0.1153 -0.1155

in 6 seconds on my PC using gfortran -O2.

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An optimization I thought of is that if you have computed means for the 3 segments defined by (i1,i2), and you want to consider the partition (i1,i2+1), the mean of the first segment x(1:i1) is unchanged, and the means of the other two segments x(i1+1:i2) and x(i2+1:N) can be updated by adding and removing one value. This is faster than recomputing all means as done above.

ETA: the algorithm can be speeded up by almost a factor of 2 by precomputing the cumulative sum of x(:), as done below.

module change_point_mod
implicit none
public :: dp,change_points_2,change_points_2_slow
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
subroutine change_points_2_slow(x,xmean,i1,i2)
! find the two positions i1 and i2 that best partition x(:) into segments of minimum variance
real(kind=dp), intent(in)  :: x(:)
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: xmean(:)
integer      , intent(out) :: i1,i2
integer                    :: j1,j2,n
real(kind=dp)              :: sumsq,sumsq_min,xmean_try(size(x))
n = size(x)
if (n < 3) stop "need size(x) > 2"
if (size(xmean) /= size(x)) stop "need size(x) == size(xmean)"
sumsq_min = huge(x)
do j1=2,n-1
   call set_mean(x,1,j1-1,xmean_try)
   do j2=j1+1,n
      call set_mean(x,j1,j2-1,xmean_try)
      call set_mean(x,j2,n,xmean_try)
      sumsq = sum((x-xmean_try)**2)
      if (sumsq < sumsq_min) then
         sumsq_min = sumsq
         i1 = j1
         i2 = j2
         xmean = xmean_try
      end if  
   end do
end do
end subroutine change_points_2_slow
subroutine change_points_2(x,xmean,i1,i2)
! find the two positions i1 and i2 that best partition x(:) into segments of minimum variance
! precomputes the cumulative sum of x(:) for speed
real(kind=dp), intent(in)  :: x(:)
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: xmean(:)
integer      , intent(out) :: i1,i2
integer                    :: i,j1,j2,n
real(kind=dp)              :: sumsq,sumsq_min,xmean_try(size(x)),cumul_sum(size(x))
n = size(x)
if (n < 3) stop "need size(x) > 2"
if (size(xmean) /= size(x)) stop "need size(x) == size(xmean)"
cumul_sum(1) = x(1)
do i=2,n
   cumul_sum(i) = cumul_sum(i-1) + x(i)
end do
sumsq_min = huge(x)
do j1=2,n-1
   call set_mean(x,1,j1-1,xmean_try,cumul_sum)
   do j2=j1+1,n
      call set_mean(x,j1,j2-1,xmean_try,cumul_sum)
      call set_mean(x,j2,n,xmean_try,cumul_sum)
      sumsq = sum((x-xmean_try)**2)
      if (sumsq < sumsq_min) then
         sumsq_min = sumsq
         i1 = j1
         i2 = j2
         xmean = xmean_try
      end if  
   end do
end do
end subroutine change_points_2
subroutine set_mean(x,j1,j2,xmean,cumul_sum)
! set xmean(j1:j2) to mean(x(j1:j2))
real(kind=dp), intent(in)    :: x(:)
integer      , intent(in)    :: j1,j2
real(kind=dp), intent(inout) :: xmean(:) 
real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: cumul_sum(:)
integer                      :: n,denom
n = size(x)
if (n > 0 .and. j1 > 0 .and. j2 >= j1 .and. j2 <= n) then
   if (j1 == j2) then
      xmean(j1) = x(j1)
   end if
   denom = j2 - j1 + 1
   if (present(cumul_sum)) then
      if (j1 > 1) then
         xmean(j1:j2) = (cumul_sum(j2)-cumul_sum(j1-1))/denom
         xmean(j1:j2) = cumul_sum(j2)/denom
      end if
      xmean(j1:j2) = sum(x(j1:j2))/denom
   end if
end if
end subroutine set_mean
end module change_point_mod
program xchange_points
! 04/23/2021 02:28 PM calls fast and or slow versions of change_points_2
! 04/23/2021 11:02 AM driver for change_points_2
use change_point_mod , only: dp,change_points_2,change_points_2_slow
implicit none
integer            :: i1,i2,iter
integer, parameter :: n = 1000, niter = 5, i1_true=nint(0.3*n), i2_true = nint(0.6*n)
real(kind=dp)      :: xx(n),xmean(n),diff
logical, parameter :: do_fast = .true., do_slow = .false.
call random_seed()
diff = 0.1_dp
print*,"n, do_fast, do_slow =",n,do_fast,do_slow
write (*,"(5a8)") "i1","i2","mean1","mean2","mean3"
write (*,"(2i8,3f8.4,1x,'TRUE')") i1_true,i2_true,0.0_dp,diff,-diff
do iter=1,niter
   call random_number(xx) ! using uniform variates for simplicity -- better to use normal variates
   xx = xx - 0.5_dp
   xx(i1_true:i2_true-1) = xx(i1_true:i2_true-1) + diff
   xx(i2_true:)     = xx(i2_true:)     - diff
   if (do_fast) then
      call change_points_2(xx,xmean,i1,i2)
      write (*,"(2i8,3f8.4)") i1,i2,xmean([1,i1,i2])
   end if
   if (do_slow) then
      call change_points_2_slow(xx,xmean,i1,i2)
      write (*,"(2i8,3f8.4)") i1,i2,xmean([1,i1,i2])
   end if
end do
end program xchange_points

Iā€™m not very familiar with time series, but maybe something can be done using weighted least squares regression? Some friends of mine use this for Heart rate variability detection. A standard laptop requires around 0.27 s to process 1000 heart beats (pulse rates are typically between 40 - 120 beats per minute).

I have done some work on this topic, albeit not in Fortran. There are a lot of algorithms out there and a multitude of papers and other publications describing and comparing them. As far as I understand it: none is really superior in all cases.
Also: there are roughly two types, depending on whether you want to detect a change point in an expanding series or only after collecting all data points. It might be fun to implement the easier algorithms in Fortran, (I would select the easier ones, because from the description of some, there is a lot of work involved with the more complicated ones and I have seen no independent evidence that these are really better. But that is my only marginally well-informed opinion :blush:)