IDE for fortran 77 and fortran IV

I am following a very old fracture mechanics book and coding is in Fortran IV. Another book has coding in Fortran 77. Is there a comprehensive IDE which can compile these programs. I am learning modern fortran these days but in order to understand how all engineering equations are programmed, I have to decode. Please advise a solution.

Welcome to the forum. Most of current and most recent Fortran compilers are able to compile old FORTRAN codes (be it F77 or F66). Maybe you will get some warnings about deprecated or deleted features, but nonetheless the codes will compile. So if you are currently learning modern Fortran, just give these codes to the compiler you are using, and it should work.

Welcome @sihaqqi !
don’t forget to say what Operating System you are using if you expect a precise answer. There is a great diversity here…

On Windows we’ve been using the Intel OneAPI HPC kit in MS Visual Studio Community 2022 to manage our legacy FORTRAN projects (~40 programs with a mix of FORTRAN IV/66/77 standards). The editor and tools recognize the FORTRAN source for syntax highlighting and lookup; though autospace is a bit buggy. The integration with the ifort compiler works very well.

We have also tried Simply Fortran as a gfortran specific IDE. It’s fine; we preferred the project/solution setup in OneAPI/Visual Studio. We do appreciate that Simply Fortran’s IDE and compiler also work on Linux, and Mac (Intel and ARM).

operating system is windows 11. Currently I am using VS Code.

I think Simply Fortran IDE supports legacy Fortran codes. But you need to buy it ( Can use it for free for 30 days though )

under features, you may find

Thank you for this vaulable advise. I have installed Windows SDK, MS Visual Studio 2022, Intel one API Base and HPC Toolkits. I have the error rc.exe not found. I have copied rc.exe and rcdll.dll fils from Windows Toolkit in VIsual Studion bin directory according to the answers posted on stackflow for this error. Still I cannot get past this issue. Did you have this issue and how did you resolve it?
Kind Regards

We have not run into this issue yet. All of our legacy codes were originally developed for mainframe hardware, so we haven’t linked in the Windows SDK. Our VS2022/OneAPI projects are started using the Fortran console templates (search templates for platform: Windows, type Console). If you don’t need the Windows UI for your project, you can try updating the project’s Linker->System->SubSystem property to Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE).

If your project does require the Windows SDK, I’ll see what I can do to switch one of our codes and see what happens!