Dear all,
A question, I have a csv file called data.txt, I want to read it.
The data.txt is below
Vostok 1,1961,Yuri Gagarin
Vostok 2,1961,Gherman Titov
Vostok 3,1962,Andriyan Nikolayev
Vostok 4,1962,Pavel Popovich
Vostok 5,1963,Valery Bykovsky
Vostok 6,1963,Valentina Tereshkova
I read the website below
In the " Reading CSV Files" section it describes how to read csv file using type.
From it I wrote my small code as below,
program main
implicit none
type :: mission_type
character(len=8) :: name
integer :: year
character(len=20) :: pilot
end type mission_type
type(mission_type), allocatable :: missions(:)
integer :: fu, rc, i, j
open (action='read', file='data.txt', iostat=rc, newunit=fu)
if (rc /= 0) stop
i = 0
do ! get the size of missions(:)
read (fu, *, iostat=rc)
if (rc /= 0) exit
i = i + 1
do j = 1,i ! read from data.txt
read (fu, *, iostat=rc) missions(j) ! it uses * as the format.
if (rc /= 0) exit
end do
close (fu)
print *, missions(1)%name
print *, missions(1)%year
print *, missions(1)%pilot
end program main
I expect the output should be
Vostok 1
Yuri Gagarin
However, obviously, fortran recognize the space also as a delimitator, and therefore the result below is not what I wanted,
Does anyone have suggestion as how to read this csv file correctly?
Thank you very much in advance!
There is a stack overflow answer for a similar issue, it suggests read the whole line first, then do something further. Is there better way?