How to have a generic interface for both allocatable and non allocatable dummy?

You mean when passed as argument to a procedure ?

Maybe use the optional attribute:

program main
   implicit none
   integer, target :: ints(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
   integer, allocatable, target :: iall(:)
   integer, pointer :: iptr(:) => null()

   call checkAlloc(1)
   call checkAlloc(ints)
   iptr => iall
   call checkAlloc(iall)
   call checkAlloc(iptr)
   call checkAlloc(iall)
   call checkAlloc(iptr)
   subroutine checkAlloc(var)
      integer, optional :: var(..)

      if (present(var)) then
         print *, ' Var is "allocated"'
      print *, ' Var is NOT "allocated"'
   end subroutine
end program main
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