program test
use ieee_arithmetic
integer :: n
integer, allocatable :: x(:)
n = 5
x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
x(1) = ieee_value(0, ieee_quiet_nan)
print *, x
end program
This program only works for a real array.
program test
use ieee_arithmetic
integer :: n
integer, allocatable :: x(:)
n = 5
x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
x(1) = ieee_value(0, ieee_quiet_nan)
print *, x
end program
This program only works for a real array.
There is no integer NaN. You could transfer
real NaN into integer variable but you would get perfectly valid, finite integer value.
In real world, people have been using values like -99999999 to signal error / “nan” but that requires knowing for sure that there will be no such values in normal course of computations.
An integer cannot be set to NaN, but in the allocate
statement you can use source
to set the values of an integer array to something that “sticks out”, such as -huge()
. Here is an example:
program test
integer :: n
integer, allocatable :: x(:)
n = 3
allocate(x(n), source = -huge(0))
x(1:n-1) = 0
print*,x ! 0 0 -2147483647
end program