I am using Modern Fortran with fortls in vscode. When I hover over a variable
type(MyType) :: my_variable
the hovering text simply shows what type is the variable. I want the hovering text to show the text of the type MyType.
For instance, in the following code, I want for the text
A derived type that contains two integer components and a procedure.
to appear when I hover over the variable my_variable
module mModule
implicit none
!! @brief A derived type that contains two integer components and a procedure.
type MyType
integer :: a
integer :: bcontains
procedure :: myFunction
end type MyType
type(MyType) :: my_variable
containssubroutine myFunction(this)
class(MyType), intent(inout) :: thisthis%a = 1 this%b = 2
end subroutine myFunction
end module mModule
Is this possible?