Hiding implementation details (the Bridge pattern)

The bridge pattern is one of the famous patterns introduced by the Gang of Four, meant to “decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently”. The main purposes of the pattern are,

  • to allow the abstraction and its implementation to be extended independently from each other
  • allow the implementation to be selected at runtime.

There are situations in software development where concealing implementation details becomes necessary. This might be to safeguard intelectual property, or to facilitate bug fixes while retaining binary code compatibility, typically in combination with shared libraries. The bridge is also useful in this situation.

A common way of implementing this pattern is by using an opaque pointer. In C++ this is also called the “pointer to implementation idiom” or just “Pimpl”:

// Visible.h
class Visible {
    Visible(); // Constructor

    void do_something()

    // ... Other operations ...
    struct Impl_; // forward declaration
    std::unique_ptr<Impl_> impl; // the pimpl
// Visible.cpp
struct Visible::Impl_ {
    // ... secret implementation details ...

// Constructor
Visible::Visible() : impl(std::make_uniqze<Impl_>()) {}

void Visible::do_something() {

// ... Operations ...

To keep the actual implementation hidden from the end-user of the library, you would distribute the header and a shared library with the executable contents of the compiled .cpp file. In a real business scenario you may accompany this with a end-user license agreement that prohibits disassembly and reverse engineering.

Fortran doesn’t support forward declarations in the way C++ does. What we can do instead is to use a c_ptr:

type :: visible
   type(c_ptr) :: impl_
end type

Another (older) approach is to simply use an integer scalar or array as a pseudo-handle. (This approach is used by the Pardiso library.)

I’ve been imagining what the modern Fortran approach would look like, using a sub-module and a private base class. For instance:

! flux_capacitor.f90
! Public Flux Capacitor API
module flux_capacitor

    implicit none

    public :: flux_capacitor_t

    type :: flux_capacitor_t
        class(fc_impl), allocatable :: impl
        procedure, public :: charge
        procedure, public :: run
        procedure, public :: shutdown
    end type

    type :: fc_impl
    end type

        module subroutine charge(cap,power)
            class(flux_capacitor_t), intent(out) :: cap
            real, intent(in) :: power
        end subroutine
        module subroutine run(cap)
            class(flux_capacitor_t), intent(inout) :: cap
        end subroutine
        module subroutine shutdown(cap)
            class(flux_capacitor_t), intent(inout) :: cap
        end subroutine
    end interface

end module
! flux_capacitor_impl.f90
! Private implementation (only distribute this in binary object format!)
submodule (flux_capacitor) flux_capacitor_impl
    use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
    implicit none
    type, extends(fc_impl) :: impl
        logical :: connected
        real :: power ! jigawatts
    end type

    module subroutine charge(cap,power)
        class(flux_capacitor_t), intent(out) :: cap
        real, intent(in) :: power
        type(impl), allocatable :: this
        this = impl(.true.,power=power)
        call move_alloc(from=this,to=cap%impl)
    end subroutine
    module subroutine run(cap)
        class(flux_capacitor_t), intent(inout) :: cap

        if (.not. allocated(cap%impl)) then 
            write(error_unit,'(A)') &
                "error: flux_capacitor%run: the flux capacitor is not charged."
            error stop 1
        end if

        select type(this => cap%impl)
        type is (impl)
           print *, "Flux capacitor running at ", this%power, "jigawatts."
        end select
    end subroutine
    module subroutine shutdown(cap)
        class(flux_capacitor_t), intent(inout) :: cap
        ! ... reserved for future variations ...
    end subroutine

end submodule

On Linux, the flux capacitor library can be compiled as follows (note the explicit usage of the instruction set and the symbol visibilty),

FFLAGS=-O2 -march=x86-64-v2 -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden

main: main.f90 libflux_capacitor.so
	$(FC) -O2 -L./ -o $@ $< -lflux_capacitor
libflux_capacitor.so flux_capacitor.mod: flux_capacitor.f90 flux_capacitor_impl.f90
	$(FC) -shared $(FFLAGS) -o $@ $^

.PHONY: flux_capacitor.tar.gz
flux_capacitor.tar.gz: libflux_capacitor.so flux_capacitor.mod
	tar -czvf $@ $^

One caveat of Fortran is the compiled module format is compiler-specific.

Are there any other aspects which are relevant?


I’ve been testing ways of doing this as well. If one goes for a shared object (.dll/.so) it can reduce the amount of things to give, you could build a fat binary with less external dependencies. If instead one tries to give a static object then one also needs to release it with the ‘.mod’ for each possible compiler one proposes as being supported. In principle with static libraries one can reach better optimization of the final program, while a shared object reduces some burden. Things to ponder.

In general I think the module/sub-module is a promising way. Like giving away the “.h” without the ".cpp"s

With the Intel oneMKL library, they give away both static and shared libraries, accompanied by module source (.f90), but only containing the interfaces. To avoid ABI issues, all procedures are “simple”, in the sense the dummy arguments are always scalars or contiguous arrays of the intrinsic types. In a few cases they use derived types, but with bind(c). In other words, they lean heavily on the de-facto standard (platform) C ABI.

But if you want to use type-bound procedures in your API, the module/submodule way is available. In fact it was one of the reasons why sub-modules were proposed. Quoting from the report by John Reid,

Once the implementation details of a module have been separated into submodules, the text of the module itself can be published to provide authoritative documentation of the interface without exposing any trade secrets contained in the implementation.