I’m running an older Fortran code on MacOS Big Sur with apple silicon. There is a compiler bug that I can not identify specifically. I’d like to find it, so I can make sure the GNU developers know about it.
Here is the code: GitHub - Nicholaswogan/ImpactAtmosphere at dev
compile with cmake in the standard way:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Run the test
With Gfortran on Apple silicon I get
(base) nicholas@Nicholass-MacBook-Air build % ./test
PRINT1: 1.6867517999999999E+028
PRINT2: 2.5579538487363607E-013
PRINT3: 2.5579538487363607E-013
This is wrong! The value should never change. When I run with Intel Fortran or gfortran on a x86 machine I get
(base) nicholas@ build % ./test
PRINT1: 1.6867517999999999E+028
PRINT2: 1.6867517999999999E+028
PRINT3: 1.6867517999999999E+028
Here are the print statements in context:
double precision, dimension(10), intent(in) :: y
double precision, dimension(10), target :: N
double precision, pointer :: N_ptr(:)
! more code here ....
do i=1,nspecies
N(i) = max(y(i),0.d0)
N_ptr => N
NNN = N ! global NNN
x(1) = dlog(tau_uv_init) ! intial condtions
print*,'PRINT1: ',N_ptr(1)
! solve nonlinear system
call lmdif2(fcn2,1,1,x,fvec,tol,info,iwa,wa,lwa,10000)
print*,'PRINT2: ',N_ptr(1)
if ((info.ne.1) .and. (info.ne.2) .and. (info.ne.3) .and. (info.ne.4)) then
print*,'Non-linear solver failed in subroutine rhs ',info
ierr = .true.
tau_uv_init = dexp(x(1))
print*,'PRINT3: ',N_ptr(1)
The subroutine takes y
as input. y
is copied to N
. N_ptr
points to N
. Finally N
is copied to NNN
, which a is a global module variable. This is done to “pass” N
to another function. Then the code makes a call to MINPACK (lmdif2
The confusing thing is that N
is local to this function (so is N_ptr
), so it should not be affected by the call to MINPACK. But it is!!
I am not able to reproduce this behavior with a simpler code. Hoping someone knows this bug or can spot it, so we can send it to those who know how to fix these things.
This bug persists for MacOS ARM and for a ARM Ubuntu virtual machine run on MacOS ARM.
(base) nicholas@ build % gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (Homebrew GCC 11.2.0_3) 11.2.0
Thanks for any ideas!