Has anyone used DVODE and is it good?

Thank you @ivanpribec !
I just learned from Dr. Fortran @sblionel the […] trick,

The below code also work, just add [ ] around atol and rtol to make array interface when call dvode (I see this trick in FLINT ode solver by @prince_mahajan too),

    call dvode(young_laplace, neq, y, s, send, &
        itol, [rtol], [atol], itask, istate, iopt, &
        rwork, lrw, iwork, liw, &
        young_laplace_jacobian, &
        mf, rpar, idum)

By the way, have you by any chance used DVODPK? You know like LSODPK, etc, those end with PK or K, means using some thing called Preconditioned Krylov methods?
LLNL’s ODEPACK webpage mentioned DVODPK as a variant for DVODE,
It looks like CVODE in SUNDIALS is basically VODE + VODPK written in C and added some parallelization stuff.
Do you know if those Preconditioned Krylov methods efficient?

Thanks a lot!

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