Gui creation in Fortran

how can i simply and freely create any form of professional software with fortran?

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Simply Fortran includes AppGraphics for making GUIs on Windows. It’s not cross-platform, though.

Welcome @_Araoluwa to the Discourse!

If your question is resumed by the title of your post “Gui creation in Fortran”, you have already received pertinent answers.

But can you explain what you mean by “professional software”? as we can easily imagine here professional software without GUI (a Fortran compiler for example!). Do you mean a software that you could distribute to lambda users? Are you thinking about a specific platform (Windows, macOS, Linux…)?

Not a full GUI, but tinyfiledialogs offers many modal and file dialogs in C. It provides the iso_c_ binding interface / module to call these functions from fortran (I am the author).