Fpm-man|fman describes Fortran intrinsics with a single-file version


Fortran intrinsics descriptions are available in several forms, as
described at

but one way is as an fpm plug-in called “fpm-man”. The plug-in has had
its interactive mode expanded. A single-file version for testing is at


If in the bash shell, make interactive mode the default by entering

export LINES

and to turn it back off again enter

declare +x LINES

(Currently) in other environments you have to set the environment variable
LINES to the number of lines your terminal window is displaying, or add
the option “–lines NNNN” where NNNN is the number of lines in your terminal

All the descriptions can be loaded at once. Assuming your terminal emulator
supports ANSI color escape sequences

fpm man manual --lines 24 --color

The help text for fpm was originally written to be used with fpm-man. It
is still possible to take advantage of this, even though it is currently
partially manual:

fpm manual >fpm.txt
fpm man --lines 24
L fpm.txt

The positioning commands repeat, so “y” moves down one line, and after entering it just hit the carriage return to repeat until another command is entered. And then “^” goes up one line. The commands can be displayed by entering “h”…

Is there any CLI interface to displaying the stdlib routines other than perhaps lynx/links/…?
Ideally it would work off-line? Is anything planned as a standard format for describing repository packages that will be easily searchable?

the commands are similiar to less(1) and more(1) but for portability to not use raw text mode, so they have a “repeat” feature where a carriage return repeats the last movement or search

+------------+-----+----------------------+------+------ so---------------------+
 |POSITIONING:| b   | back one page        | f    | forward one page(default) |
 |            | u   | up 1/2 page          | d    | down 1/2 page             |
 |            | e   | up 1 line, eeeeee... | y    | down 1 line, yyyyyy...    |
 |            | gNNN| goto Nth line        | NNN  | go to Nth line            |
 |SEARCH:     | /RE | search for expression| ?RE  | backward search           |
 |            | n   | repeat last search   | N    | repeat last search upward |
 |SYSTEM:     | s F | save to filename     | xcmd | execute system_command    |
 |OPTIONS:    | #   | toggle line numbers  | lNNN | change lines per page     |
 |            | i   | toggle search by case| c    | toggle color mode         |
 |GENERAL:    | q   | quit                 | r    | refresh                   |
 |            | h   | display help         | T    | reload Table Of Contents  |
 |            | tstr| load specified topic |      |                           |
 | An empty string repeats the last positioning or toggle command. So if you  |
 | searched for a string or did an "e" or "y" and then just hit return the    |
 | previous command is repeated until a non-blank command like "r" is entered.|
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