Alternatively, …
Since a message on the STOP directive typically goes to stderr, if you want the message to go to stdout I would generally avoid putting a message on the STOP and just write the message with a PRINT or WRITE followed by a STOP. For those who want the message to go to stderr another issue is that the messages might not appear in the order generated by the program, as you are writing to two separate files (stdout and stderr) that may be buffered or flushed independently. In general the FLUSH directive will ensure the lines appear in the terminal window in the order generated by the program, although there might be a compiler out there that does not have a PRINT write to the same logical unit that OUTPUT_UNIT points to; which is a reason to use a WRITE statement instead of a print. So you might want to do something like:
program main
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : &
& stderr=>ERROR_UNIT, &
& stdin=>INPUT_UNIT, &
& stdout=>OUTPUT_UNIT
implicit none
write(stdout,"(A)")'Running now.'
write(stdout,"(A)")'Stopping now'
flush(stdout) ! make sure output appears before any default STOP message
stop 1
end program main
Although it can be more verbose, it is more portable to avoid using an asterisk for the LUN in the WRITE statement and messages on the STOP, and to use a WRITE instead of a PRINT. So if you really want the same behavior and full control I suggest using WRITE statements for messages. Note even then if you add an exit number to the STOP that some compilers will print different messages (nothing, “STOP 1” “STOP”, … and so on).
Newer versions of STOP and ERROR STOP allow for better control, adding a QUIET option and allowing for processor dependent options like providing a traceback or not, but most Fortran compilers do not fully implement the latest version of STOP so for the time being those features may not be portable to all the programming environments you might want to support
R1162 stop-stmt is STOP[stop-code ] [ , QUIET = scalar-logical-expr]
R1163 error-stop-stmt is ERROR STOP[stop-code ] [ , QUIET = scalar-logical-expr]
R1164 stop-code is scalar-default-char-expr
or scalar-int-expr
C1176 (R1164) The scalar-int-expr shall be of default kind.
Execution of a STOP statement initiates normal termination of execution. Execution of an ERROR STOP
statement initiates error termination of execution.
When an image is terminated by a STOP or ERROR STOP statement, its stop code, if any, is made available
in a processor-dependent manner. If the stop-code is an integer, it is recommended that the value be used as
the process exit status, if the processor supports that concept. If the stop-code in a STOP statement is of type
character or does not appear, or if an end-program-stmt is executed, it is recommended that the value zero be
supplied as the process exit status, if the processor supports that concept. If the stop-code in an ERROR STOP
statement is of type character or does not appear, it is recommended that a processor-dependent nonzero value
be supplied as the process exit status, if the processor supports that concept.
If QUIET= is omitted or the scalar-logical-expr has the value false:
• if any exception (17) is signaling on that image, the processor shall issue a warning indicating which
exceptions are signaling, and this warning shall be on the unit identified by the named constant ERROR_-
UNIT from the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV (;
• if a stop code is specified, it is recommended that it be made available by formatted output to the same
If QUIET= appears and the scalar-logical-expr has the value true, no output of signaling exceptions or stop code
shall be produced.
When normal termination occurs on more than one image, it is expected that a processor-dependent summary
of any stop codes and signaling exceptions will be made available.
If the integer stop-code is used as the process exit status, the processor might be able to interpret only values
within a limited range, or only a limited portion of the integer value (for example, only the least-significant 8