Fortran returns to top 20 TIOBE index

In Tiobe’s survey about July, Fortran experienced some improvement compared the earlier months:

|   month | rating | rank |
| 2024-01 |  1.09% |   12 |
| 2024-02 |  1.40% |   11 |
| 2024-03 |  1.22% |   14 |
| 2024-04 |  1.47% |   10 |
| 2024-05 |  1.24% |   10 |
| 2024-06 |  1.53% |   10 |
| 2024-07 |  2.05% |    9 |
| 2024-08 |  1.79% |   10 |
| 2024-09 |  1.78% |   10 |
| 2024-10 |  1.80% |    9 |
| 2024-11 |  1.97% |    8 |
| 2024-12 |  1.79% |   10 |
| 2025-01 |  2.04% |   10 |
| 2025-02 |  1.75% |   11 |

last update: [2025-02-10 Mon]

See here (or permalink on archive, recorded in August 2024) about Tiobe’s criteria for a language to be considered, sources Tiobe consults as primary reference, the pool of languages / group of languages surveyed (August 2024: 281), and the underlying algorithm.

«Fortran and Matlab entered the top 20 once again at the expense of Lua and Prolog.» as by Tiobe’s July statistics accessed on 2022-07-09 (reference). Because this metric explicitly includes Youtube, I speculate the video FORTRAN in 100 Seconds contributes to this increase. (The video was discussed earlier here.)

To put this a little bit into perspective, I picked some 100 s of … videos of Jeff Delaney’ channel Fireship (1.43M subscribers), namely about Fortran, Julia, Python, Lua, and COBOL. It could be I did not recognize R, or that this topic is not (yet?) considered by him. As by today (2022-07-11):

| language |    published     | views | likes |
| Fortran  | [2022-06-10 Fri] |  429k |   22k |
| Julia    | [2022-05-19 Thu] |  332k |   21k |
| Python   | [2021-10-25 Mon] | 1.07M |   53k |
| Lua      | [2022-02-14 Mon] |  774k |   48k |
| Cobol    | [2020-04-11 Sat] |  723k |   32k |

Though the video about Fortran was released more recently than Julia, the difference in the numbers of this snapshot is less important than I anticipated.

The continuously updated .csv below lists all monthly recordings by Tiobe about Fortran since June 2001 as read from the diagram; starting with July 2016 as known to the timemachine by since and including July 2016 for a total of 260+ entries.

| highest percentage | 2.05% | July 2024              |  
| lowest percentage  | 0.22% | February 2020          |
| highest rank       |     8 | November 2024 (1.97%)  | 
| lowest rank        |    50 | July 2020 (0.22%)      |

2025-02-10_Tiobe_index.csv (13.3 KB)