Fortran Marketing Theme

After seeing the discussion about here about the rabid white rabbit being the mascot of fortran i want to pitch a (stupid) marketing idea, because one of my favourite Fortran jokes is from Matt Groening and David X. Cohen’s “Futurama”:

One of the main characters, Bender, is an Old robot, always on the verge of being scrapped beacuse it’s obsolete, that is seen in several episode reading punched cards to be given instructions. In the very first episode, he is seen drinking a beer branded “Olde Fortran”

There’s even an episode with a juxtapostion of Bender with a new, modern robot that is going to do everything better and faster, and yet Bender and the other scrap-metal robots save the world and fix global warming (Can fortran do that? that would be great)

PS: For all of you that don’t know futurama, give it a try. It’s incredibly smart for his stupidity, lot of smart nerd jokes and even a theorem was proven in order to make the story checks.