Maybe not quite realistic for just a year: I would like to see more and more “classical libraries” written in old-style Fortran get modulized and modernized (using Fortran >= 2003, keeping in mind that it probably has to be done in F20XY one day), faithfully, reliably, and robustly. A recent example discussed on this forum is Lapack.
I have spent a major part of my 2021 working on such a project for Powell’s optimization solvers. To be honest, it is a painful, frustrating, and unrewarding job. What supports me to continue is the belief that modernization is the only way to make such treasures continue to be alive. I do hope I will have finished this job when I review my 2022.
Think about Lapack for instance, think about how much of today’s scientific computing is based on Lapack, think about how much of today’s human civilization is based on scientific computing. The old-fashion Fortran libraries must be modernized before there is nobody on earth who can understand/maintain/extend them.
The modernization does not need to be done in Fortran — I hope our community is not a group of narrow-minded people who refuse to use any other language. It should be done in languages that fit scientific computing well. Fortran is obviously/fortunately still one of the best of them as of today, despite the criticism from the people who do not know modern Fortran; I hope the situation for Fortran will become better and better instead of the opposite. C and C++ are also good ones, of course. I note that Lapack has been/is being modernized in C++, for example.
Happy new year and all the best wishes!!! May 2022 be a better year!!!