Fortran Compiler Engineer in Austin, Texas | Advanced Micro Devices, Inc


AMDā€™s compiler is pretty nice, and free to use.

Itā€™s always nice to have multiple compilers to check our code with.

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@aerosayan said ā€œAMDā€™s compiler is pretty nice, and free to use.ā€ I had never heard of it, so I downloaded it (instructions easier to follow than most) but I seem to have found a bug in it with my second test program. (The first one was hundreds of lines long but this one has 4 lines.)

program testhugeqp
  integer,parameter::qp = selected_real_kind(30)
  print "(ES45.35E4)",huge(1.0_qp)
end program testhugeqp

Output from AMD compiler (called flang) was


but gfortran and ifort both gave what I think is the correct output,


FYI, flang (Classic, nvfortran, AOCC) does not currently support quadruple precision, if that is what you would like to try.

AOCC Fortran 4.1 for Linux amd64 does support 128-bit REAL type (KIND=16) but thereā€™s obviously bugs in the implementation, as above.

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I checked my notes. You are right. However, I note that AOCC Flang complains about ā€œundefined symbol: ā€˜fort_rnumq_i8ā€™ā€ in my test with quadruple precision, although I do not have a minimal working example at hand.

Thank you @themos. I should have said in my original posting that I was using flang 4.1 in my Linux Ubuntu system. Should this topic be renamed as something like ā€œAMD compiler problemsā€? (I donā€™t know how) It seems to be moving away from where it started: a job advertisement in the AMD company.