Fortran and VSC

I am experimenting with Fortran in Visual Studio Code (VSC) after a long time using Geany.

When I go to outline, VSC only lists the functions, none of the subroutines.

Anyone have experience of this IDE and know if this is resolvable?

Hi @garynewport, I think I can help. Fortran-lang currently has extension (Modern Fortran - Visual Studio Marketplace) for vscode which provides the bulk of the functionality along with the fortls language server (GitHub - fortran-lang/fortls: fortls - Fortran Language Server).

Out of the gate the settings of both should be pretty sensible. Nonetheless, different projects call for different configurations so the Modern Fortran vscode extension offers a wide range of customisation. The language server, fortls, has a dedicated documentation webpage (in contrast to the single page documentation offered by Modern Fortran). You can check out fortls’ documentation at

Let us know how you get on and if you are having any issues.


I actually already had this installed but I am still only seeing the functions, not the procedures/subroutines within the Fortran code?

Can you post a minimal sample code and screenshots of the Symbols pane?