Formatted hexadecimal output in lower case


I’d like to write integer values in array raw to a string hash in hexadecimal format :

write (hash, '(*(z2.2))') (raw(i), i = 1, size(raw))

Is there a way to change the format of the characters to lower case? Format descriptors z and Z both output upper case characters only (at least with GNU Fortran 14).

There is no edit descriptor to print hex values in lowercase. But you appear to be writing into a string, so the simplest solution would appear to be to convert the string to lowercase after you write it.
for example

program testit
character(len=255) :: hash
integer :: i, raw(10)
   write (hash, '(*(z2.2))') (raw(i), i = 1, size(raw))


elemental pure function lower(str) result (string)
character(*), intent(in) :: str
character(len(str))      :: string
integer                  :: i
integer,parameter        :: diff = iachar('A')-iachar('a')
   string = str
   do concurrent (i = 1:len_trim(str)) 
      select case (str(i:i))
      case ('A':'Z')
         string(i:i) = achar(iachar(str(i:i))-diff)   ! change letter to miniscule
      case default
      end select
end function lower

end program testit

If you are using stdlib, you could use to_lower – Fortran-lang/stdlib to achieve what @urbanjost has proposed.

Well, it seems I have convert to lower case manually. :expressionless:

Well, if that is an issue another alternative is to convert decimal to hexadecimal (or any other base from 2 to 36 in this case). Everyone always goes with hex. Maybe try base36 instead!

program demo_codebase
implicit none
character(len=1795)  :: line
integer              :: i, iarr(256)
function codebase(inval10,outbase,uc) result(answer)
! @(#) codebase(3f): convert whole number in base 10 to string in base [2-36]
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stderr=>error_unit, int64,real64
integer,intent(in)           :: inval10, outbase
logical,intent(in)           :: uc
character(len=:),allocatable :: answer
real(kind=real64)            :: inval10_local
integer(kind=int64)          :: n, outbase_local, in_sign
  if(outbase_local<2.or.outbase_local>36) then
     write(stderr,*) '*codebase* ERROR: base must be between 2 and 36. base was',outbase_local
     do 55565758595a5b5c5d5e5f5g5h606162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6f6g6h707172737475767778797a7b7c7d7e7f7g7h80818283848586878889while(inval10_local>0.0 )
        if(n<10) then
  if(in_sign == -1)then
  if(answer == '')then
end function codebase
end program demo_codebase

That’s probably not faster than simply running the following loop over the hex string:

character :: a
integer   :: i

do i = 1, len(hash)
    a = hash(i:i)
    if (a >= 'A' .and. a <= 'Z') hash(i:i) = achar(iachar(a) + 32)
end do      

I’ve written interfaces to OpenSSL’s cryptographic hash functions (MD5, RIPEMD-160, SHA-1, SHA-256, …), but still have to convert the digest output to hash strings. Seems to be easier than reimplementing the functions in Fortran.

The function already existed in the more general form where it will generate output from base 2 to base 36 with letters uppercase or lowercase. Cooked down to just doing base16 would make it simpler, but fortran already does BOZ basestw
that you were already using; so this one was more fun. And who knows, maybe base36 hash keys might catch on hex was widely available and two characters can represent any byte value hash keys are almost always multi-byte so a higher base would make them more compact :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

lower() and upper() have to be the most re-invented functions in Fortran. I think I have about fifteen of them. Only took seventy years for it to be added as an intrinsic; but probably not in the compiler being used for this. I just grabbed one from my modules that happens to be one I keep around to remind me of the syntax of do-concurrent. It really is fast when given large strings on the right hardware, but the setup time probably makes it slower than several other approaches on some compilers. On the two I use most frequently it is as fast or faster for regular usage though.

And there are many ways to write those subprograms, all with very different performance. The ones that use INDEX() on character strings require the most looping and searching effort. The ones that are implemented as functions require stack and/or heap memory allocations for the return string. The most efficient ones are subroutines that modify the input string in-place (no memory allocation) and use the IACHAR and ACHAR intrinsics to work directly with the integer values (examples are shown above), but the function interface is sometimes more convenient to use within expressions, so there are always compromises and redundancy. And finally, one wonders about the future when character sets are routinely a superset of ascii.

I did not notice this. In f2023?

Well, I spoke too soon. I thought SORT, LOWER, and UPPER made it with TOKENIZE and SPLIT and the others that did make it. Well, it took decades to get DATE_AND_TIME and it still does not define how to set the timezone. If the fpm repository would get a solid site going I do not think I would care much about procedures that did not add to language function possibilities like co_array related ones and so on often do but there is hardly a Fortran repository or compiler that does not have those three so it might be time :slight_smile:

I agree on lower and upper functions. I wrote my first ones back in Hollerith constant days. I’d also like to see Standard sort and grade functions. Not sure why the Fortran Committee has been so stubbornly ignoring them. Seems like a rite of passage for each of us to reinvent these wheels.

DATE_AND_TIME was needed because Y2K efforts were starting to rear their ugly heads. I’m guessing all the programming language committees were being pinged to make sure their respective languages were Y2K compatible.

I’m a late-comer to writing my own upper/lower functions. I only wrote mine about 20 years ago. I’ve stopped trying to make sense of how the committee decides what goes in the standard and what gets left out. To me, SORT, LOWER, and UPPER (based on my experience) have many times more potential users and uses than TOKENIZE and SPLIT. Another thing that puzzles me is why the compiler vendors don’t take it upon themselves to implement these as compiler extensions. I know of no law that says they can’t. After all they spend time supporting non-standard things like UNION etc. Why not a generic SORT?. I would be willing to wager dollars for donuts that the typical Fortran user can come up with several things they would like to see in the language that would get more wide spread usage than a lot of the recent additions in Fortran 2023.

It is a bit bemusing that a few decades ago the biggest complaint about Fortran was that the core standardized features included virtually no system interfaces and that there were way to many extensions locking you into a particular vendor’s hardware. VAX/VMS Fortran could be and was used to write just about any type of program and had so many extensions you might say it had a Fortran-compatible subset but was a language unto it’s own otherwise. I remember several systems where you had machine code and Fortran, often extended. Everyone was clamoring for this type of utility to be standardized into Fortran, but if you already had something written for your Fortran you were giving up an advantage by allowing the feature to be standardized; or allowing for vectorization features might give Cray a big advantage (think F++, which sure looks a lot like coarrays) and so on. So that never happened. So all these other languages evolved, many in a totally different ecosystem like OS; which allows the languages to grow and adapt very rapidly (and with the problems that entails). All those resources spread across so many projects – just think if it was somehow focused on fewer languages all these years.

Now what money is spent on Fortran is to provide for HPC applications to run massively parallel, so there is not the money (nor often the expertise) in the committees for general purpose features and without those languages fail or become niche languages. Even machine code itself has fewer practitioners now than in the past from what I see.

I hope the || development succeeds and that is probably where committee efforts should concentrate (for various reasons, some good some bad). So I think we should all push for the fpm repository package and add as many general packages as the community can support. If that becomes more robust I think that will push de-facto standards to take hold instead of coming and going with individual developers. De-facto standards are a natural for migrating to the standard library; and some of those can be promoted into the true standard, and/or the ideal of general-purpose intrinsics goes away and becomes a part of an OS standard library, accept for those needed to add functionality to the language (versus generality). It seems like the momentum has cooled a bit. Personally, I think having a strong public repository is the key to getting the momentum back myself.

I have used a lot of languages and I still think Fortran is the best one potentially. It just keeps getting hung up on the “potentially” part. But I like Rust and Lua better than Python, so I do not seem to be that good at staying up with the “in” crowd!

PS: Having been around long enough that I laugh aloud when all the new hires always ask why we have any other language than the one they just learned, I wonder how common that is? I can tell someone’s hire date by which language is the only one they think we should have written everything in – Fortran, Lisp, PL/I, Ruby, Pascal, D, Javascript, Java, Python, Julia, Rust, …
Does that happen everywhere? Does it give you a good laugh and accordingly irritate the new guy?

Or when someone wants to do some GUI/graphics and tells you everything should be in IGES/SunView/X11 Athena widgets/GKS/… SVG/Canvas/GTK/Blah/Blah/… :slightly_smiling_face: or is that just me?

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Never underestimate the power of peer pressure. You have to program in Python and/or C++ to be one of the “cool kids”. If you insist on programming in Fortran you are just seen as “one of the olds”.

I am afraid both above solutions are somewhat inconsistent. They both use ASCII-table conversions achar()/iachar() for doing to_lower conversion but at the same time an implementation-dependent case selector 'A':'Z' or if expression a >= 'A' .and. a <= 'Z'. In an implementation based on a non-ASCII character table that will not work. To make it bullet-proof one should probably use

select case (iachar(str(i:i)))
      case (iachar('A'):iachar('Z'))
         string(i:i) = achar(iachar(str(i:i))-diff) 
!  or
a = iachar(hash(i:i))
if (a >= iachar('A') .and. a <= iachar('Z')) hash(i:i) = achar(a + 32)

This could be rewritten as lge(a,'A') .and. lle(a,'Z') which uses ASCII lexical ordering.

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To give a specific example of the potential problem, the EBCDIC character set, which at one time was used by the majority of computers, has extra characters between ‘A’ and ‘Z’ which would be incorrectly translated with the simple test. If the programmer knew that only alphabetic characters were in the strings, then this detail could be ignored in some situations, such as upper/lower case conversion. In EBCDIC, ‘A’ is z’C1’ and ‘Z’ is z’E9’, so that range includes 41 integer values to cover the 26 characters.

The ASCII upper case letters are all contiguous, so just the iachar(‘A’):iachar(‘Z’) range needs to be selected, as is done in the above code.

Since lower and upper have been re-invented so many times maybe this could
be spun off into a bake-off of all the different versions. Main points for speed and working with EBCDIC and Unicode (where relevant) and using Fortran intrinsic || features?

To start it off I submit this skeleton with five versions and timing built in for starters

So far

Well, at least with default gfortran options the do concurrent
-dependent one I have been using personally got squeezed out by the generic
one that builds a table of all the single-byte characters when running

case 2 was slow as expected, as the ones based on INDEX() would have a
hard time being fastest.

case 1 did very well for timing, at only slightly faster than a plain
copy but it is ASCII-only and scalar.only; but is probably closest to the classic model people often add to their go-to box.

to_upper and to_lower are from stdlib for plain ASCII, but it has a
STRING type that has arrays with elements of various lengths and is
part of a library with multiple developer support; but there is a
preliminary indication it could be tweeked better for speed.

playing with copying each character versus setting output to input
and then only changing characters that need changed, converting to
integers or arrays of single characters versus working with strings,
allowing for non-ASCII collating character sets (none of these would
still work with ASCII 6/12 though!), different compilers and different
optimization switches, coarrays, running the do_concurrent in parallel,
… could play with this for way to long :>

If you can make your procedure version be a function that returns a
non-allocatable string of the same length just stick them in the M_case
module and then call them from the program and they will get timed.

For subroutines or other return types you would have to work at it but
this is a demonstration as well of

  • passing procedures as arguments using the newer syntax
  • shows a few tricks to keep timing procedures from getting
    optimized away like using a volatile variable, or making
    some kind of use of one of the loop results randomly, …
  • demonstrates the timing-related intrinsic functions


So far with GNU Fortran (GCC) 13.2.1 20240426 with default
parameters case 4 is generic and has good speed. Could not
think of a way to build the table at compile time without
running something to build the code on a per-platform basis.

! BASELINE:Elapsed  time  (sec)  ::.072980200
! upper1:Elapsed    time  (sec)  ::.150859800
! upper3:Elapsed    time  (sec)  ::.164521000
! upper4:Elapsed    time  (sec)  ::.172557100
! to_upper:Elapsed  time  (sec)  ::.332142000
! upper2:Elapsed    time  (sec)  ::1.777680100
! lower1:Elapsed    time  (sec)  ::.135766700
! lower3:Elapsed    time  (sec)  ::.160704800
! lower4:Elapsed    time  (sec)  ::.204008100
! to_lower:Elapsed  time  (sec)  ::.346519400
! lower2:Elapsed    time  (sec)  ::1.871481100


The terms “uppercase” and “lowercase” date back to the early days of
the mechanical printing press. Individual metal alloy casts of each
needed letter, or punctuation symbol, were meticulously added to a
press block, by hand, before rolling out copies of a page. These
metal casts were stored and organized in wooden cases. The more
often needed miniscule letters were placed closer to hand, in the
lower cases of the work bench. The less often needed, capitalized,
majuscule letters, ended up in the harder to reach upper cases.

five versions with timing results

click for LONG example
module M_case
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
character(len=26), parameter, private :: low  = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
character(len=26), parameter, private :: high = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
integer(kind=int8), parameter :: ascii_diff = abs(iachar('A',kind=int8) - iachar('a',kind=int8))
integer                               :: i
character(len=1),save,private         :: convtableL(0:255) = [(char(i),i=0,255)]
character(len=1),save,private         :: convtableU(0:255) = [(char(i),i=0,255)]
logical, save                         :: first = .true.

public :: upper1,lower1  ! assumes ASCII collating sequence
public :: upper2,lower2  ! any one-byte collating sequence, (a)
public :: upper3,lower3  ! any one-byte collating sequence, (a)
public :: upper4,lower4  ! assumes ASCII collating sequence
public :: to_upper, to_lower ! sssumes ASCII collating sequence

! (a) avoids issues with EBCDIC not having A-Z as contigious letters

! subroutines are potentially much faster


function upper1(str) result(translated)
character(*), intent(in) :: str
integer :: i
character(len=len(str)) :: translated

   do i = 1, len(str)
     select case(str(i:i))
         translated(i:i) = achar(iachar(str(i:i))-ascii_diff)
     end select
end function upper1
function lower1(str) result(translated)
character(*), intent(in) :: str
integer :: i
character(len=len(str)) :: translated

   do i = 1, len(str)
     select case(str(i:i))
         translated(i:i) = achar(iachar(str(i:i))+ascii_diff)
     end select
end function lower1

function upper2(str) result(translated)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: str
integer           :: i,c
character(len=len(str)) :: translated
   do i = 1,len(str)
      c = index(low,str(i:i))
      if ( translated(i:i) = high(c:c)
   end do

function lower2(str) result(translated)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: str
integer                     :: i,c
character(len=len(str))     :: translated
   do i = 1,len(str)
      c = index(high,str(i:i))
      if ( translated(i:i) = low(c:c)
   end do
end function lower2

subroutine loadtable()
integer :: i
   do i=1,len(low)
      convtableL(iachar(low(i:i)))  = char(iachar(high(i:i)))
      convtableU(iachar(high(i:i))) = char(iachar(low(i:i)))
   first = .false.
end subroutine loadtable

function upper3(str) result(translated)
character(len=*),intent(in)  ::  str
character(len=len(str))      ::  translated
integer                      ::  i

   if(first) call loadtable()
   translated = str
   do i=1,len_trim(str)
      translated(i:i) = convtableL(iachar(str(i:i)))

end function upper3

function lower3(str) result(translated)
character(len=*),intent(in)  ::  str
character(len=len(str))      ::  translated
integer                      ::  i

   if(first) call loadtable()
   translated = str
   do i=1,len_trim(str)
      translated(i:i) = convtableU(iachar(str(i:i)))

end function lower3

pure function upper4(str) result (translated)
character(*), intent(in)      :: str                 ! input string to convert to all uppercase
character(len(str))           :: translated          ! output string that contains no miniscule letters
integer                       :: i                   ! loop counter
! note using kind=int8 is faster than int32 in gfortran
integer(kind=int8), parameter :: ade_a = iachar('a'), ade_z = iachar('z')
integer(kind=int8)            :: ade_char
   do concurrent(i=1:len(str))                       ! step thru each letter in the string in specified range
      ade_char = iachar(str(i:i), int8)              ! ASCII Decimal Equivalent
      if (ade_char >= ade_a .and. ade_char <= ade_z) ade_char = ade_char - ascii_diff
      translated(i:i) = achar(ade_char)
   if(len(str).eq.0)translated = str
end function upper4

pure function lower4(str) result (translated)
character(*), intent(in)      :: str
character(len(str))           :: translated
integer                       :: i
integer(kind=int8), parameter :: ade_a = iachar('A'), ade_z = iachar('Z')
integer(kind=int8)            :: ade_char
   translated = str
   do concurrent (i = 1:len_trim(str)) 
      ade_char = iachar(str(i:i), int8) 
      if (ade_char >= ade_a .and. ade_char <= ade_z) ade_char = ade_char + ascii_diff
      translated(i:i) = achar(ade_char)
   if(len(str).eq.0)translated = str
end function lower4

    !> Returns the corresponding lowercase letter, if `c` is an uppercase
    !> ASCII character, otherwise `c` itself.
    pure function char_to_lower(c) result(t)
        character(len=1), intent(in) :: c !! A character.
        character(len=1)             :: t
        integer, parameter :: wp= iachar('a')-iachar('A'), BA=iachar('A'), BZ=iachar('Z')
        integer :: k
        !Check whether the integer equivalent is between BA=65 and BZ=90
        k = ichar(c) 
        if (k>=BA.and.k<=BZ) k = k + wp 
        t = char(k)

    end function char_to_lower

    !> Returns the corresponding uppercase letter, if `c` is a lowercase
    !> ASCII character, otherwise `c` itself.
    pure function char_to_upper(c) result(t)
        character(len=1), intent(in) :: c !! A character.
        character(len=1)             :: t
        integer, parameter :: wp= iachar('a')-iachar('A'), la=iachar('a'), lz=iachar('z')
        integer :: k
        !Check whether the integer equivalent is between la=97 and lz=122
        k = ichar(c) 
        if (k>=la.and.k<=lz) k = k - wp 
        t = char(k)

    end function char_to_upper

    !> Convert character variable to lower case
    !> ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_ascii.html#to_lower))
    !> Version: experimental
    pure function to_lower(string) result(lower_string)
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
        character(len=len(string)) :: lower_string
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, len(string)
            lower_string(i:i) = char_to_lower(string(i:i))
        end do

    end function to_lower

    !> Convert character variable to upper case
    !> ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_ascii.html#to_upper))
    !> Version: experimental
    pure function to_upper(string) result(upper_string)
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
        character(len=len(string)) :: upper_string
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, len(string)
            upper_string(i:i) = char_to_upper(string(i:i))
        end do

    end function to_upper

end module M_case
module M_tictoc
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int32,int64,real32,dp=>real64
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stdout=>OUTPUT_UNIT
implicit none

type timer
   real(kind=dp)   :: cpu_start
   real(kind=dp)   :: cpu_end
   integer(kind=int64) :: clock_start
   integer(kind=int64) :: clock_end
   integer             :: wall_start(8)
   integer             :: wall_end(8)
       procedure  ::  tic        =>  clock_tic
       procedure  ::  toc        =>  clock_toc
       procedure  ::  print      =>  clock_print
       procedure  ::  walltime   =>  clock_walltime
       procedure  ::  cputime    =>  clock_cputime
       procedure  ::  dattime    =>  clock_dattime
end type

interface timer
     procedure :: clock_new
end interface timer

! type for unix epoch time and julian days
integer,parameter,public   :: realtime=dp 

public :: timer
public :: say_hello
public :: catstat

character(len=*),parameter :: gen='(*(g0))'
character(len=*),parameter  :: all='(*(g0,1x))'


! initialization constructor
type(timer) function clock_new(this)
type(timer),intent(in),optional :: this

   call cpu_time(clock_new%cpu_start)
   call system_clock(clock_new%clock_start)
   call date_and_time(values=clock_new%wall_start)

   clock_new%cpu_end= clock_new%cpu_start
   clock_new%clock_end= clock_new%clock_start
   clock_new%wall_end= clock_new%wall_start

end function clock_new

subroutine clock_tic(this)
class(timer) :: this

   call cpu_time(this%cpu_start)
   call system_clock(this%clock_start)
   call date_and_time(values=this%wall_start)

   this%cpu_end   = this%cpu_start
   this%clock_end = this%clock_start
   this%wall_end  = this%wall_start

end subroutine clock_tic

subroutine clock_toc(this)
class(timer) :: this

   call cpu_time(this%cpu_end)
   call system_clock(this%clock_end)
   call date_and_time(values=this%wall_end)

end subroutine clock_toc

subroutine clock_print(this,string,lun)
class(timer),intent(in)                  :: this
character(len=*),intent(in),optional     :: string
integer(kind=int32),intent(in),optional  :: lun
integer(kind=int32)                      :: lun_
real(kind=dp)                            :: elapsed_time
real(kind=realtime)                      :: elapsed_date_and_time
real(kind=dp)                            :: cpu_time
character(len=105)                       :: biggest
integer(kind=int64)                      :: count_rate
character(len=:),allocatable             :: string_


   elapsed_time           =  this%walltime()
   elapsed_date_and_time  =  this%dattime()
   cpu_time               =  this%cputime()
   string_ = ''; if(present(string)) string_ = string//':'

   if(elapsed_date_and_time >= 0)then
      write( lun_,'(a,f0.3)')    string_//'Elapsed dat  (sec) ::',elapsed_date_and_time
      write( lun_,'(a)')         string_//'Elapsed dat  (sec) :: N/A'

   ! try to make a reasonable format for the number of digits of precision
   call system_clock(count_rate=count_rate) ! Find the time rate

   write( lun_,biggest)          string_//'Elapsed time (sec) ::',elapsed_time
   write( lun_,gen)              string_//'CPU time     (sec) ::',cpu_time
   write( lun_,'(a,1x,f0.2)')    string_//'Percentage         ::',(cpu_time/elapsed_time)*100

end subroutine clock_print

function clock_walltime(this) result(elapsed_time)
class(timer)        :: this
integer(kind=int64) :: count_rate
real(kind=dp)       :: elapsed_time
real(kind=dp)       :: cpu_time
   call system_clock(count_rate=count_rate) 
   elapsed_time = real(this%clock_end-this%clock_start,kind=dp)/real(count_rate,kind=dp)
end function clock_walltime

function  clock_cputime(this)  result(cpu_time)
class(timer)         :: this
real(kind=dp)        :: cpu_time
   cpu_time = real(this%cpu_end-this%cpu_start,kind=dp)
end function clock_cputime

function  clock_dattime(this)  result(cpu_time)
class(timer)         :: this
real(kind=dp)        :: cpu_time
real(kind=realtime)  :: endit,startit
integer              :: ierr
   call date_to_julian(this%wall_end,endit,ierr)
   call date_to_julian(this%wall_start,startit,ierr)
   if(ierr == 0)then
      cpu_time = real((endit-startit)*86400,kind=dp)
      cpu_time = -huge(cpu_time)
end function clock_dattime

subroutine date_to_julian(dat,julian,ierr)
! @(#)M_time::date_to_julian(3f): Converts proleptic Gregorian DAT date-time array to Julian Date
! REFERENCE: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2015-12-19
! correction for time zone should or should not be included?
integer,intent(in)               ::  dat(8)! array like returned by DATE_AND_TIME(3f)
real(kind=realtime),intent(out)  ::  julian
integer,intent(out) :: ierr ! 0 =successful, -1=bad year, -4=bad date 29 Feb, non leap-year, -6 negative value -9 bad input
integer                          ::  a , y , m , jdn
integer                          ::  utc
julian = -huge(99999)               ! this is the date if an error occurs and IERR is < 0
if(any(dat == -huge(dat)))then
   if ( year==0 .or. year<-4713 ) then
      ierr = -1
   !  You must compute first the number of years (Y) and months (M) since March 1st -4800 (March 1, 4801 BC)
      a = (14-month)/12    ! A will be 1 for January or February, and 0 for other months, with integer truncation
      y = year + 4800 - a
      m = month + 12*a - 3 ! M will be 0 for March and 11 for February
   !  All years in the BC era must be converted to astronomical years, so that 1BC is year 0, 2 BC is year "-1", etc.
   !  Convert to a negative number, then increment towards zero
   !  Staring from a Gregorian calendar date
      jdn = day + (153*m+2)/5 + 365*y + y/4 - y/100 + y/400 - 32045 !  with integer truncation
   !  Finding the Julian Calendar date given the JDN (Julian day number) and time of day
      julian = jdn + (hour-12)/24.0_realtime + (minute)/1440.0_realtime + second/86400.0_realtime
      ierr=merge(-6,ierr, julian<0.0_realtime ) ! Julian Day must be non-negative
end associate
end subroutine date_to_julian

subroutine say_hello()
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : compiler_version
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : compiler_options
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))'
character(len=*),parameter :: chs='(*(g0))'
character(len=2)           :: ch, split
integer                      :: argument_length, istat, posix, dos, i
character(len=:),allocatable :: progname, options
   call get_command_argument(number=0,length=argument_length)
   allocate(character(len=argument_length) :: progname)
   call get_command_argument (0, progname, status=istat)
   print all, 'run date.....:',iso_8601()
   if (istat == 0) then
      print all, "program name.:" // trim (progname)
      print all, "Could not get the program name " // trim (progname)
   print all, 'compiled by..:', compiler_version()
   options=' '//compiler_options()
   if(options /= '')then
      print all, 'using options:'
      ! guess which one
      do i=2,len(options)
         select case(ch)
         case(' -');    posix=posix+1
         case(' /');    dos=dos+1
         end select
      split=merge(' -',' /',posix > 0)
      do i=2,len(options)
         if(ch == split)then
      print all
   print all
end subroutine say_hello

function iso_8601()
! return date using ISO   8601 format at a resolution of seconds
character(len=8)  :: dt
character(len=10) :: tm
character(len=5)  :: zone
character(len=25) :: iso_8601
   call date_and_time(dt, tm, zone)
   ISO_8601 = dt(1:4)//'-'//dt(5:6)//'-'//dt(7:8)   &
      & //'T'//                                     &
      & tm(1:2)//':'//tm(3:4)//':'//tm(5:6)         &
      & //zone(1:3)//':'//zone(4:5)
end function iso_8601

impure elemental function irand(first,last)
!@(#) a random whole number from FIRST to LAST inclusive
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64
integer,intent(in)   :: first,last
real(kind=dp)        :: rand_val
integer              :: irand
   call random_number(rand_val)
end function irand

subroutine catstat()
!@(#) on linux systems show process statistics. System-dependent
integer             ::  exitstat
integer             ::  cmdstat
character(len=255)  ::  cmdmsg
   call execute_command_line("cat /proc/$PPID/status", exitstat=exitstat,cmdstat=cmdstat,cmdmsg=cmdmsg)
end subroutine catstat

end module M_tictoc

program doit
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
use M_tictoc, only : timer, say_hello, catstat
use M_case
character(len=*),parameter :: original  = "abcdxyz ZXYDCBA _!@"
character(len=*),parameter :: originalu = "ABCDXYZ ZXYDCBA _!@"
character(len=*),parameter :: originall = "abcdxyz zxydcba _!@"
character(len=*),parameter :: gen='(*(g0,1x))'
character(len=:),allocatable  :: s
type(timer)     :: clock

namelist /vals/ clock
! To test variants of a procedure change HOW_MANY_TIMES
! and replace the NOSPACE* names with your procedure names and
! change the interface block to describe your procedure name

! the testprocedures module is where to put your variants
! or use some other module with the routines in it.

integer,parameter :: how_many_times=1000000

   call say_hello()

  ! first a little confidence test

   print *,"original: ",'[',original,']'

   print *,"upper1:   ",'[',upper1(original),']', upper1(original).eq.originalu
   print *,"lower1:   ",'[',lower1(original),']', lower1(original).eq.originall

   print *,"upper2:   ",'[',upper2(original),']', upper2(original).eq.originalu
   print *,"lower2:   ",'[',lower2(original),']', lower2(original).eq.originall

   print *,"upper3:   ",'[',upper3(original),']', upper3(original).eq.originalu
   print *,"lower3:   ",'[',lower3(original),']', lower3(original).eq.originall

   print *,"upper4:   ",'[',upper4(original),']', upper4(original).eq.originalu
   print *,"lower4:   ",'[',lower4(original),']', lower4(original).eq.originall

   print *,"to_upper:   ",'[',to_upper(original),']', to_upper(original).eq.originalu
   print *,"to_lower:   ",'[',to_lower(original),']', to_lower(original).eq.originall

   ! now some timing

  ! PONDER: some would be faster the less changes there are
  ! PONDER: subroutines would potentially be faster than functions

   call timeit('BASELINE',baseline)
   call timeit('upper1',upper1)
   call timeit('upper2',upper2)
   call timeit('upper3',upper3)
   call timeit('upper4',upper4)
   call timeit('to_upper',to_upper)

   call timeit('lower1',lower1)
   call timeit('lower2',lower2)
   call timeit('lower3',lower3)
   call timeit('lower4',lower4)
   call timeit('to_lower',to_lower)

use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8,int16,int32,int64,real32,real64,real128
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stderr=>ERROR_UNIT, stdin=>INPUT_UNIT, stdout=>OUTPUT_UNIT
character(len=*),parameter :: g='(*(g0,1x))'
integer(kind=int64) :: icount64, icount_rate64, icount_max64
real(kind=real64) :: frequency
   call system_clock(icount64, icount_rate64, icount_max64)
   print g,'COUNT_MAX(64bit)='    ,  icount_max64                
   print g,'COUNT_RATE(64bit)='   ,  icount_rate64               
   print g,'FLIP EVERY N(secs)='  ,  frequency ,' (days)==>',frequency/86400_real64
   print g,'CURRENT COUNT(64bit)=' , icount64
   print g,'next flip(secs)=',dble(icount_max64-icount64)/icount_rate64,'(days)==>', dble(icount_max64-icount64)/icount_rate64/86400

   call catstat()

subroutine timeit(label,procedure)

! assuming the loop itself is not complex and possibly in need of unrolling and so on
! and that it is so simple the compiler is optimizing it away because nothing in the 
! loop is used the loop may be identified as "dead code" and eliminated.
!  + passing the procedure tends to prevent the loop being optimized away
!  + using the volatile property also helps prevent loops from being optimized away
!  + a write statement after the loop might also help, as well
!  + finally, calling a function, particulary one writing values from a random pass helps

character(len=*),intent(in)            :: label
character(len=:),volatile,allocatable  :: t

   function procedure(string)
   character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
   character(len=len(string))  :: procedure 
   end function
end interface
integer :: i

   print gen
   call clock%tic()
   do i=1,how_many_times
     t=procedure('This     is  a     TEST ')
   call clock%toc()
   call clock%print(label)

!   write(*,*)clock
!   write (*, nml=vals)  ! using NAMELIST creates easy-to-postprocess logs
!   print gen, label//':CPU TIME = ', clock%cputime()

end subroutine timeit

function baseline(line)
character(len=*),intent(in)  ::  line
character(len=len(line))     ::  baseline
end function baseline
end program doit

Here is an example of one of the subroutines in some code that I use.

   elemental subroutine str_low( string )

      !  change all upper case characters in string to lower case in place.

      implicit none

      character(len=*), intent(inout) :: string

      integer :: i, ic

      intrinsic :: len_trim, achar, iachar

      do i = 1, len_trim(string)
         ic = iachar( string(i:i) )
         if ( UA <= ic  .and.  ic <= UZ ) string(i:i) = achar( ic + ludiff )

   end subroutine str_low

This is contained in a module that defines the constants UA, UZ, ludiff, and so on. Hopefully those are all obvious. The other routines in that module follow the same general style. Some of the considerations are:

  1. all comparisons are done on the integers, not on the native character set. This makes it portable to machines that are not native ascii, but the conversion is only done on the characters that are mapped to ascii.
  2. a subroutine interface is used to avoid any internal heap or stack memory allocations. The strings are converted in-place.
  3. len_trim() is used instead of len() in the do loop range. This can shorten the loop, but at the expense of the len_trim() reference.