F951: Fatal Error - I need help to compile my first code (macOS 12.4)


thanks for the tip, am doing now, it seems to be the way forward, however i do think there’s something amiss…i’ve never actually seen a download time this long…looks like a dial up at 9600 baud rate!

however the bar is moving along nicely…so i might be finished around end next month! :smiley:

even as i write this it has jumped down to 152 hours…so :crossed_fingers:t3:

oo now 6 hours


Wooohooo I’m so excited!!!

at mecej4
at awvwgk
at 14ngp
at vmagnin

(as a new user i can only mention 2 users at a time)

at awvwgk i must apologise to you about this, as you mentioned this days ago, that i should reinstall Xcode command line tools…and i didn’t do it. sorry.

Sufficed to say, that Xcode command line tools reinstall did the trick, no clang, no fatal error just, runs the compiler and then executes the program once compiled,

Guys/Gals, thanks so much! Hopefully at some point, i’ll be able to contribute as much as you all have in the last few days to this forum in the future. It’ll be a while though.

And for completeness, after this update/install, of XcodeCLT, i did a cc --version and this is the response, i got,

Apple clang version 13.1.6 (clang-1316.

Target: x86_64-apple-darwin21.6.0

Thread model: posix

InstalledDir: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin

previously i had Apple clang version 11.0.3 (clang-1103.0.32.29) and apple darwin of 21.5.0

again thanks to all!! :clap:t3: :clap:t3: :clap:t3:


Glad we could help. Good luck on your Fortran journey, and we’ll be here if you have more questions.

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@servant that’s great to hear, good luck in your journey! :clap:

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