Create a timing subroutine with zero arguments

To time a function/part of my program, I usually use the pattern below:

program main 
    implicit none 
    integer :: t0, t1, count_max, count_rate

    call system_clock(t0, count_rate, count_max)
    ! do a heavy computation ...
    call system_clock(t1)

    print *, 'Elapsed Time :', real(t1 - t0) / count_rate
end program main 

That works fine, but I have to define 4 more variables every time I want to time some code and I have to use these variables to explicitely calculate and print the elapsed time. What I want is something like the following to do the same as above:

program main
    use time 
    implicit none 

    call tic()
    ! do a heavy computation ...
    call toc()
end program main 

The respective subroutines were defined as follows in a module time:

    subroutine tic(t0)
      integer, intent(out) :: t0
      integer :: count_rate, count_max
      call system_clock(t0, count_rate, count_max)
    end subroutine tic

    ! ****************************** !
    subroutine toc(t0)
      integer, intent(in) :: t0
      integer :: t1, count_rate, count_max
      call system_clock(t1, count_rate, count_max)
      print *, 'Elapsed Time :', real(t1 - t0) / count_rate
    end subroutine toc

Which also works fine, but still, I have to define one variable t0 for this to work. My question is how can I remove this variable and be able to call tic() and call toc()?

You can use module variables to store times and access them to compute elapsed times.
In the thread Module to time code a few modules to time codes were presented or cited.

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You can make t0,count_rate and count_max private variables in the module, with t0 at least saved,
and you don’t even need () in tic and toc. My test example with very few changes from the original:

  • List item

module time
implicit none
private t0,count_max,count_rate
integer,save :: t0, count_max, count_rate
subroutine tic
call system_clock(t0, count_rate, count_max)
end subroutine tic

subroutine toc
integer :: t1
call system_clock(t1, count_rate, count_max)
print *, ‘Elapsed Time :’, real(t1 - t0) / count_rate,‘s’
end subroutine toc
end module time

program main
use time
implicit none
integer:: n
real(kind(1d0)) :: x = 1d0
call tic
do n = 1, 10**7
x = tanh(x)
end do
call toc
end program main

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Thank you for your help, this works good. I already thought about save but wasn’t sure how to implement it correctly on the module level.

Just as a footnote, as that works just fine for a lot of cases, you want to look at the packages referenced above instead of using a single SAVEd variable if your code is parallel, recursive, or elemental. Also note calling a routine that produces I/O limits you in some circumstances in creating PURE routines. All that said, the above is fine; just wanted to mention it is not OK for some circumstances.

I like to mention not to overlook profiling tools too, as supplied by almost all vendors. the GNU or BSD gprof(1) command is supported by several programming environments.

@seif_shebl ,

A couple of additional considerations to build on the useful suggestions you have received upthread:

  1. with SYSTEM_CLOCK and timing determinations, use an integer kind of higher range and a real kind of greater precision. Assuming you are on the widely used processors these days with binary arithmetic, this can mean a range of 10 for your integer (aka 64-bit integer) and a decimal precision of at least 12 (usually a 64-bit binary floating-point kind).
  2. based on what you state as your desired use scenarios, you may want to look into an object-oriented type for your timer. But here you would need to declare and define an object in your code instrumentation that is such a type, but the usage patterns might then be clearer for you.
Click to see an example
module kinds_m
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : I8 => int64
   integer, parameter :: P12 = selected_real_kind( p=12 )
end module
module timer_m
   use kinds_m, only : I8, WP => P12
   real(WP), parameter :: ZERO = 0.0_wp
   type, public :: timer_t
      real(WP) :: start_time = ZERO
      real(WP) :: end_time = ZERO
      procedure, pass(this) :: start => start_time
      procedure, pass(this) :: stop => end_time
      procedure, pass(this) :: t => get_time
   end type
   impure elemental subroutine start_time( this )
      class(timer_t), intent(inout) :: this 
      call my_cpu_time( this%start_time )
   end subroutine
   impure elemental subroutine end_time( this )
      class(timer_t), intent(inout) :: this 
      call my_cpu_time( this%end_time )
   end subroutine
   elemental function get_time( this ) result(time)
      class(timer_t), intent(in) :: this
      real(WP) :: time
      time = this%end_time - this%start_time 
   end function
   impure elemental subroutine my_cpu_time( time )
      ! Argument list
      real(WP), intent(inout) :: time
      ! Local variables
      integer(I8) :: tick
      integer(I8) :: rate
      call system_clock (tick, rate)
      time = real(tick, kind=kind(time) ) / real(rate, kind=kind(time) )
   end subroutine my_cpu_time
end module

   use timer_m, only : timer_t
   type(timer_t) :: timer
   call timer%start()
   .. do some work
   call timer%stop()
   .. fetch the elapsed time
   print *, timer%t()

I agree with you on the integer 64bit part, but why do you believe the OO approach is superior than a straightforward module-subroutine/function model? One of the reasons I dislike C++ is its strong usage of the OO paradigm, which makes algorithms needlessly complex/unreadable in many circumstances. Also, unless I’m missing something obvious, the 32-bit real is sufficiently large for the 18-digits of integer 64 division?

Note I prefaced my suggestion with “based on what you state as your desired use scenarios.” Under the circumstances, the module-based model you intend to use per the other suggestion upthread involves “global” data with the SAVE attribute. This won’t scale all that well for any needs (now or in the future) with concurrent execution. The OO approach I show decouples the state from the data and enables the code to freely consume the “class”; it can be instantiated as many times as needed and consumed across sequential or concurrent/parallel modes. The users of C++ may abuse the OO paradigm but that does not signal the rest to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Well, it may not be that obvious but some processors scale up the count rate in the SYSTEM_CLOCK arbitrarily with integers of higher range. Given this, you can run into loss of precision with your timing studies, particularly if you are working with microbenchmarks. Thus the safer option is a decimal precision of 12 or greater for better portability of code.

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