I often use Compiler Explorer to test out new Fortran ideas. Today I’ve just discovered that the C include mechanism can also be used to fetch files at internet locations.
To demonstrate this, I’ve attached to this post a module with the following contents:
module greetings_mod
subroutine greetings()
print *, "Greetings from Fortran Discourse"
end subroutine
end module
greetings_mod.f90.txt (122 Bytes)
When you click on the attachment, you actually get redirected to the address,
(I used the webpage WhereGoes to figure this out)
Now you can include this file by using the C preprocessor,
! In Compiler Explorer
#include "https://cdck-file-uploads-canada1.s3.dualstack.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/free1/uploads/fortran_lang/original/2X/f/fb79e1b65ec5e698fdbd1cd5be536ad878b3f252.txt"
program main
use greetings_mod
call greetings()
end program
To see the output, visit Compiler Explorer.
Here is a demo of fetching a file from Fortran stdlib:
! In Compiler Explorer
#include "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fortran-lang/stdlib/refs/heads/master/src/stdlib_system.F90"
program main
use stdlib_system, only: sleep
print *, "Sleeeeeeping..."
call sleep(millisec=2000)
print *, "Woken up."
end program
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