Is there a Fortran-conforming way to detect whether a processor supports precision higher than the default double-precision at compile time without resorting to the processor? More generally, can this be done without resorting to the preprocessor?
A partial (non-working) example of what I have in mind is the following:
function sum_extra_prec(a) result(asum)
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
real(dp), intent(in) :: a(:)
real(dp) :: asum
integer, parameter :: hp = -1
#if __GFORTRAN__
integer, parameter :: xdp = 10
integer, parameter :: xdp = -1
integer, parameter :: qp = 16
integer, parameter :: hp = merge(xdp,qp,xdp > 0)
if (hp > 0) then
asum = real(sum(real(a,hp)),dp) ! Error with nvfortran
use ddreal
! ... use double-double ...
end block
end if
end function
This works with gfortran and the Intel Fortran compilers, however it fails with nvfortran since hp = -1 is an illegal kind selector in the expression real(a,hp). This would seem to imply I need to replace the Fortran if-else block with preprocessor fences too:
Since I’m already using the preprocessor in this example to select the precision, that’s fine. But assume the precision selection were done in a precision module. What can be done in this case to avoid misusing a negative kind parameter?
In C++, I believe it would be possible to use an if constexpr:
program main
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer, parameter :: wp = max(real64, real128)
real(wp) :: x
print *, kind(x)
end program main
It prints 16 with GFortran in Ubuntu. I don’t know if it is OK with every compiler.
Does the standard mandate that the kind specifier of real128 is an integer larger than real64?
Your proposed solution does provide a workaround to the negative kind parameter issue:
program main
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer, parameter :: hp = real128
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
integer, parameter :: wp = max(dp,hp)
real(wp) :: x
real(dp) :: a(100), asum
call random_number(a)
if (wp == dp) then
! work precision is double, which is insufficient
! use custom double-double instead
error stop "Not implemented."
! higher precision kind is available
asum = real(sum(real(a,wp)),dp) ! okay to reference wp
print *,asum
end program main REAL32, REAL64, and REAL128
The values of these default integer scalar named constants shall be those of the kind type parameters that specify a REAL type whose storage size expressed in bits is 32, 64, and 128 respectively. If, for any of these constants, the processor supports more than one kind of that size, it is processor dependent which kind value is provided. If the processor supports no kind of a particular size, that constant shall be equal to −2 if the processor supports kinds of a larger size and −1 otherwise.
Thank you all for the proposed solutions, piece by piece I’ve constructed something that works (with an implicit assumption that the default double precision has less than 18 decimal digits of precision).
! has_quad.f90
program main
implicit none
! Default calculation precision
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
! 1) Check for extended double precision
integer, parameter :: xdp = merge(-1,selected_real_kind(18), &
selected_real_kind(18) == selected_real_kind(33))
logical, parameter :: has_xdp = xdp > 0
! 2) Check for true quadruple precision
integer, parameter :: qp = selected_real_kind(33)
logical, parameter :: has_qp = qp > 0
! 2) Assign speculative higher precision
integer, parameter :: hp = merge(xdp,merge(qp,-1,has_qp),has_xdp)
logical, parameter :: has_hp = hp > 0
! 3) Assign work precision; if higher precision not available,
! fall back to default
integer, parameter :: wp = merge(hp,dp,has_hp)
real(dp) :: a(100), asum
integer :: i
a = [(i,i=1,100)]
if (wp == dp) then
! work precision equals default, so
! use custom double-double instead
error stop "Not implemented."
! use the higher precision
asum = real(sum(real(a,wp)),dp)
print *, wp, asum
end program main
With a conforming processor, you can use the following standard-conforming code to fetch the “list” of floating-point precisions supported by said processor:
Enhanced compile-time computing in Fortran with a few better tools toward compile-time “reflective programming” as well as CONSTEXPR functions that can support the use of certain user-defined functions in constant expressions has long been part of my vision for Fortran.
Interestingly, while gfortran-12 fails to compile the implicit do in precisions specification, Intel’s ifort ver. 2021.7 does compile it but the result is wrong. The following code:
program t
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer, parameter :: precisions(*) = &
[ (precision(real(1.0, kind=real_kinds(i))), &
integer :: i=1, size(real_kinds)) ]
print *, precisions
print *, real_kinds
end program t
FYI, with Absoft af95 on Ubuntu 22.04, this is what happened.
af95 --version && af95 has_quad.f90
Absoft 64-bit Pro Fortran 22.0.3
Absoft ERROR 587: MAIN: has_quad.f90: 10, 29
The initialization expression must be a constant to be used with PARAMETER assignment for object "XDP".
Absoft ERROR 113: MAIN: has_quad.f90: 34, 5
IMPLICIT NONE is specified in the local scope, therefore an explicit type must be specified for data object "ERROR".
Absoft ERROR 724: MAIN: has_quad.f90: 34, 11
Unknown statement. Expected assignment statement but found "s" instead of "=" or "=>".
Absoft Pro Fortran 22.0: 3 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Other messages, 0 ANSI
f90fe reported errors.
I am not sure which standard af95 follows in this regard. Maybe the constraint that “The initialization expression must be a constant to be used with PARAMETER assignment for object XXX” has been removed in recent standards? Does anyone here know about this constraint?
The Absoft compiler has been discontinued recently, yet I suppose it is still a good compiler for the time being.
Interesting test problem: is it Fortran- conforming code to have inputs to a function with different kinds? What you’re trying to do here is equivalent to:
Well, it is not. @FortranFan’s version fills precision array with all available kinds. @FedericoPerini’s - only three (at most) defined in iso_fortran_env module (real32, real64, real128). Obvious example of non-equivalence is gfortran with its 80-bit extended precision real kind
Sorry if I was unclear: my question was not about whether real(10) was in the real_kinds array, but whether the following is legal code. It seems like the compiler is interpreting the implicit loop that you’re trying to compute as:
I’m not sure what you mean. The implicit do should unroll to something similar to your second example, making it an array constructor of all integer values. The first example is IMHO wrong as you cannot have values of different types/kinds in an array constructor.
My understanding per the standard is the code I posted above conforms, hence my assertion upthread.
The thread at comp.lang.fortran linked by @FedericoPerini mentions NAG Fortran compiler whose lead developer is also the Fortran standard Editor and whose compiler implementation strives to maximize conformance. So can anyone with access to latest NAG compiler try the following and post the results here? It is a somewhat simplified variant of my previous snippet, here I have removed some of the other Fortran 2008 and 2018 facilities that NAG may not support yet:
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real_kinds
integer, parameter :: n = size(real_kinds)
integer :: i
integer, parameter :: precisions(n) = [( precision(real(1., real_kinds(i))), i=1,n )]
print *, precisions
Going by the comp.lang.fortran thread as well as NAG documentation online, I expect the following output:
3 6 15 31
Note the type and kind of each ac-value in the implied-DO here is the result of the intrinsic function PRECISION and each of them conform as default integer, so there is no issue here.
I also looked at the integer result at the first glance; however, the implied loop variable i affects the real(1.0,my_kind(i)) function if we assume that our loop logic should start at the innermost location. That would mean that return variables from real have different kinds, hence non-conforming.
Not trying to make a case for either one - just trying to better understand the issue
Most of the above posts are using the intrinsic array real_kinds(:) to answer the question. Here is an excerpt from some of my code from about 2004. It works with algebraic expressions because the iso_fortran_env module did not exist at that time.
This works as required, but of course if new real kinds are added by some compiler, then this code would need to be extended manually. The long parameter names were used intentionally so that programmers would override them with more reasonable parameter names in their codes.
There are similar algebraic expressions using merge() that can used instead. All in all, it is nice that the KIND facility in fortran allows these types of expressions to be used to define and propagate KIND values throughout a code, but I have to think that the standards committee could have made all of this much easier on programmers than they did. In the code above, I explain what it does in the comments, but wouldn’t the whole thing have been easier if programmers had been allowed to use the if-then-else in the first place?