Coding blocked algorithms

Hello. In classes/reading texts on linear algebra, I have always been told to use block algorithms. The rationale and everything makes sense to me, but I haven’t quite understood one part of implementation (ie, coding something myself): loading n blocks into memory to fill the cache, and then operating with those blocks.

As an example, here is a part of LAPACK’s dlaswp, which permutes the rows of a matrix A according to a permutation matrix stored as vector in IPIV

      n32 = ( n / 32 )*32
      IF( n32.NE.0 ) THEN
         DO 30 j = 1, n32, 32
            ix = ix0
            DO 20 i = i1, i2, inc
               ip = ipiv( ix )
               IF( ip.NE.i ) THEN
                  DO 10 k = j, j + 31
                     temp = a( i, k )
                     a( i, k ) = a( ip, k )
                     a( ip, k ) = temp
   10             CONTINUE
               END IF
               ix = ix + incx
   20       CONTINUE
   30    CONTINUE
      END IF

If I were to code this algorithm myself, I would just have do loop 30 iterate j from 1 to n, and get rid of do loop 10 (ie, one iteration of this look with k=j), hoping that if I just iterate sequentially one-by-one, the compiler would load in the appropriate amount of columns of a row to fill the cache well (since there is no Fortran command that says “load these rows/these 32 elements of these rows into memory right now”). Is this the type of style block algorithms should be coded in Fortran?